Attitude Seed Bank Shipping Method (Tracking)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Seeds Banks' started by CorpAmerica, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Hi, Im curious if anyone can tell me what carrier Attitude uses for their shipments. I just placed and order and received a tracking number but I cant figure out what carrier "International Express" is or how I can track the shipment.


  2. Google "Royal Mail track". That should get you to the Royal Mail tracking page.

    After it enters the US, it is carried by the US Postal Service.
  3. Attitude has a "Track Now" button on their homepage that will redirect to another page on their site. On the redirect it will have both an option for Royal mail and USPS. Each of those icons will take you to each of those carriers tracking pages. The tracking number will be the same with both Royal Mail and USPS. Hope that makes it easier to understand for you.
  4. Yepp.. Royal Mail -> USPS
  5. Got it, thanks for your responses.

    It would seem my shipment is currently in limbo. Royal mail says they have given it to USPS and USPS says that royal mail is prepping to send it.

    Not too worried about it, just impatient for my ladies to arrive :hello:

  6. My status stayed like that too. It never indicated that it was on the way after USPS got it.

    Then a couple of days later, it showed up.

    Don't worry. It's coming.
  7. How long do they normally take to arrive from placing your order?
  8. While I haven't received my order or had any previous orders with Attitude, I have been digging around on the boards trying to answer this same question and it appears that the general consensus is anywhere from a week and a half to two weeks.

  9. Royal mail just to confirm...
  10. Ladies arrived today 8 days from order to delivery on the west coast.
  11. #11 hawksauce, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    Enjoy are u bloggin it, Also did you use your own cc?
  12. Yeah, it uses Royal Mail and Usps...unfortunately, it's not much help. royal mail will tell you when your shipment is ready for overseas shipping, and usps will tell you when it arrives in the States (mine always said NY). But then after that you just gotta wait for it to arrive at ur door because it doesnt update anymore (at least for me it didnt)
  13. Hawksauce - I did use my own credit card number - the thing I like about attitude are that they are a euro company and they sell product other than seeds. It would be virtually impossible for LEO to get their hands on the companies records and for all LEO knows I ordered some very exclusive shirts.

    You can find the link to my grow journal in my sig if you would like to follow along.

    Chitown - At least yours told you that it arrived in NY... My USPS said it had received notification that the foreign service would be shipping the package and stayed that way until they showed up at my door.
  14. Yeah both times I ordered it said it had arrived in NY...I mean i didnt expect detailed tracking anyway, like UPS, so wasnt a surprise to me. At least ya got em :D
  15. cool man ill be watchin
  16. Mine took exactly two weeks to the SE US. It entered NY after 3 days but lived in limbo for another 10.

    Have faith!

  17. royal mail ..usps
  18. Just as a final note, all 10 easy ryders germinated within 3 days. Seeds appear to be good quality.
  19. Damn, y didn't i think of that??????????? Maybe The AttiTude should make a note on tracking page about that. But, GC iz da Shit anywayz...:hello: u can find all answers here !:smoke:
  20. Ordered mine Monday and took aprox. 6 days to get to me.. I saw my status update that it passed through customs and then.. .. .. . .. it took 1 more day to hit the East coast.. I was kinda hoping I'd have them yesterday because I read that the status doesn't update till after you have em.

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