Attic CFL Grow - Growing Virgin!!

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by MadforBush, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. And just like "that" he's gone again, who knows where to be seen again....

    Dude, are you Kaiser Sose? :eek:
  2. Yeah that's pretty weak of the threadstarter. You want us to watch your updates and answer your little questions, then you bail and don't follow through with the end harvest. What I think happened is your harvest completely stunk. Your diseased plant took over your buds and the smoke was chemically and not stoney at all. :p
  3. I can't really tell from the pictures but it looks to me like they are stretching. Probably going to have to move the lights closer when they get a little bit larger to slow that shit down.

  4. Doesn't the UK have grow shops? You should be able to get square pots right away mate.

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