People of grasscity, It has come to my attention and the attention of others that we would like to see a couple of separate sub-forums in the grow sections of grasscity. We would like to have a separate section for "CFL" and a separate section for "MH/HPS" I don't know of it's possible, but it gets annoying being a MH/HPS grower trying to skim through all the "CFL" grows to find something that interests/helps me. Here is the link to the thread we started to discuss this matter: Thanks in advance for any actions or comments you have
I closed your poll because polls don't determine anything around here when it comes to suggestions. I can get with the Grow Mods and talk to them and see if they feel there's a need for this. Thanks for the suggestion.
We would have to include T-5/Flourescents as well, and LED would have to covered. Lighting is important and a subforum for each would be useful and take much of the clutter out of the Indoor and Absolute Beginner sections. Maybe create sub forums in the Grow Room Design/Setup section.
Not to thread-jack, but it occurred to me that subsections in the beginner section on vegetative and flowering stages might be helpful to people who are trying a first grow. I firmly believe that no lack of common sense should prevent a person from having the liberty and ability to grow marijuana.
Continue to discuss different ideas, please. We're always up for making the Grow forums better for everyone.
We could just have a section on stages of growth. It is good to see interest in this b/c most inexperienced growers are growing either auto-flowering or feminised; which in both cases stages of growth are not a major factor. Knowing each stage of growth: 1. Germination 2. Seedling 3. Vegetative 4. Preflower 5. Flowering(Full Bloom) 6. Seed Set. I can do an indepth write up of each stage so they are better understood if you guys want. To most growers, only vegetative and flowering are important. To more experienced growers and hobby breeders/breeders, all the stages are very important. If I see an interest in this I will do a write up and see if they can sticky it in the Beginner section.
I personally think the idea of 'Fluorescent/CFL', 'HID', and 'LED', or something along those lines, would be a great idea. Each of them would get plenty of traffic, I'm sure, and, like the OP mentioned, it'd greatly help out those who are trying to find information and threads about only one specific light. I think some subsections that are proposed are unnecessary but I feel that this one would be a winner.
lessismore, if you did that write up, I can assure you that at least one person would read it in its entirety.
i agree 100%, there is alot of cfl/floro/led grows in here that does make alot of "clutter" for me, im all about hid lighting, and this seems like a good idea and yeah, less , if you wanna write that up im sure it would help alot of ppl, they could just look in the catagory they want and find what they need in 2 seconds, instead of making alot of useless threads with questions that had already been answered in the past.
Well thanks for closing the poll... I was just interested in how many people agreed and disagreed. It's not as though I thought it was like a presidential election... Guess it isn't "necessary" though. Also thanks for talking to the mods Thanks to all who replied with suggestions, they're all great and I'm sure will be taken into consideration by the mods. Peace
and that is what makes GC the premier place for knowledge when it comes to all things horticulture for our wonderful herb. The DIY subforum was great, and the idea to separate grows by lighting type is a solid idea as well. I know if I'm running a CFL grow, I'm gonna love to be able to see all the journals arranged in one nice view by that type. The veg/flower idea is interesting, but it would constantly require moving of journals... or what if someone had a perpetual grow setup with plants in many stages of development grow in peace brothers and sisters
Growers with perpetual grow setups would benefit the most from knowing about the stages of growth. The stages of growth are good for understanding cuts and mother plants which are the foundation of a good well cycled perpetual grow.
Oh I totally agree with your statement and the write up sounds great, I'm just saying that separate subforums for each stage would require a lot of moving of journals not that I doubt our mods are up to it
I would not want it in seperate subfroums, it would be one subforum if any at all. I think it would be best to just do the write up and place a sticky on it in Absolute Beginners section. I agree it would be a waste to have a subforum for each stage, it just does not make sense b/c they all go together under the same subject. I think people misinterpreted my meaning when making the suggestion. I just wonder if it is really worth my time though b/c most growers only care about veg & flower and have no interest beyond those 2 stages. To me, leaning about all the stages and how they work, as well as knowing what to look for in each stage for selecting mother plants, father plants, different phenotypes, etc... were a very important part of my learning how to improve my growing/breeding abilities.
I think lessismore ideas are great. I would like to see a smoke report in the growing section. I know its subject to opinion but a basic understanding of the plant would be great. Right now I have to go to other websites to gather the information.
These ideas are top-notch. Having sub-sections would prolly help everyone out. Plus it would more accurately determine where the most traffic is on this site and how those overcrowed areas can better be utilized. This is like one of those ideas that when you say it out loud or someone says it to you youre like "hell yeah, they should have been doing this yesterday"
This should sum it up perfectly. When someone says they have to go to another website to get information that could just as easily be on this site, but no one can find cause everything is jumbled together, should speak volumes to the administraters and moderators who make the decisions.