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Attempting to reduce anxiety in order to start smoking again

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by rawrrxlaurr, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. Hello everyone,
    Okay so a little backstory, I was a pretty heavy smoker about seven years ago, I ended up quitting in order to focus on other things and then ended up in a relationship where the person did not approve of any drug use and so I just never picked it back up. I started occasionally smoking after we broke up about four years ago, but because of the "bad" stigma that became attached to it in my mind from that relationship I found that it gave me really high anxiety and I felt like I was doing something wrong. I ended up having a panic attack one time after smoking quite a bit and ever since I had the panic attack I find it hard to enjoy smoking without my anxiety levels instantly raising!
    Anyways, fast forward to present time and I really would like to be able to enjoy smoking again. I am going to limit my caffeine intake and start working out to reduce my anxiety levels and I hope that helps but my question is: has anyone here ever experienced smoking related anxiety and do you have any tips on how to reduce it or get over it all together??
    Thanks. :D

  2. I've responded to a lot of topics like this, so a search through the forums might come up with an answer you want as well, but I'll respond to this one as well. 

    I recommend smoking in the most comfortable space as possible, at your home, in your room, alone (if that's what your comfortable with). Start off with a rather small amount so you aren't "Overwhelmed" by the high. 1 couple hits and you should be good for a couple hours to get yourself slowly back into it. 

    It sounds like you don't have much of an anxiety disorder, just anxiety associated with smoking, so that'll be easy to overcome, just smoke in small amounts, build up your tolerance, then your smoking anxiety shall dissipate. 
  3. Smoking strains abundant with CBD shouldn't trigger any anxiety.
  4. It could be a mental thing. I find that after I get high I'm only anxious if I let myself be anxious. If I optimistically look at being high and focus on the positives of the effects I usually just end up forgetting about the anxiety.

    I would try smoking when you're just generally happy to begin with. Also try edibles and vaping if you haven't.

    Do things you like to do sober. Whether it be watching TV, listening to music, reading, etc.

    Come on here, too! Knowing there's a million people doing what you do can be a reassuring thought.

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    If any of that didn't make sense I'm sorry. I'm baked like a cake. :]

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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