I am interested in purchasing a trippy stick, i dont have a id card so i cant really find a trippy stick that takes hash oil. Thats when i found the atmos raw, same concept but it lets you smoke the actual bud not oil. Has anyone used an atmos raw? If so how do you like it? Buy best portable herbal vaporizer top rated vaporizer raw vaporizers herbs vaporizer at Atmosraw.com
thanks for the tip, i was just curious, wanted to talk to someone about it, is there one which people recommend?
check out the atmos rx line of vaporizers, you can just fill them with a hash tincture and vaporize that which is amazing, there are many guides on here on how to make hash tinctures, its very easy, im actualy planning on getting one of these very soon the thing is that these portable vape pens are all very new, not many people have them so theres not too much known about them or many reviews, but in time they will get more popular, for sure
I just need to find someone to buy the hash oil from, then it would all be easy...i might still try the raw out though!
the thing is these products are still relatively new, as time goes on better versions will be released for sure, atmos rx released a better bud vaporizer but its more on the expensive side, but you can pop off the bud cartridge and attach and oil cartridge and such and hash oil is expensive, but honestly you can just make the tinctures yourself by using bud and glycerin which you can buy at safeway and such, and they will last you a loooooot longer and still get you just as stoned, and you use them in the same oil vaporizers, i dont think you should get the atmos raw as it is a faulty product and is only for bud, there are pen vapes out there that you can use for viscous (liquidy) oils and also thick honey oils, which are the ones you should look into, some of them are the atmos rx, omicron, g pen and gentlemans vapes, if you want to vaporize actual bud you should just buy a real vaporizer, it would be way more worth your money for vaporizing bud instead of buying an atmos raw
Don't mean to steal your thread, but why open another when it's related. You might learn something new as well! I'm purchasing the Atmos Optimus And will be making the oil for it. I was planning on making BHO with a 1/2 ounce of dank but didn't know how much glycerin to mix it with. Does anyone know a good ratio? I want to make it as potent as possible. Any feedback will be much appreciated! Tips and comments welcomed!
im also planning on buying the atmos optimus very soon, i heard its awesome http://forum.grasscity.com/incredible-edible-herb/655899-wildwills-glycerin-tincture-how.html http://forum.grasscity.com/incredib...h-candy-canna-bombs-more-24.html#post11628262 those are probably the two best glycerin tincture guides on here
A buddy of mine came over with it and asked me to take a couple slow drags, I believe the stain is Bruce banner.. Well needless to stay after taking 3 nice tokes I was stoned out of my mind for a good 30-45 and I toke daily. I was very impressed. I live in Miami.. But he said the cartridges came from Colorado.
Thanks for the link but I have already read through all that doesn't say the ratio I should mix the bho and glyserin, this is my issue at this point. Once I know that I could use the recipe above to combine the two..