I am in no way trying to commercialize this video. It simply caught my attention while watching it mega baked, and in my opinion it's pretty interesting What do you think GC? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbh5l0b2-0o]YouTube - Athene's Theory of Everything[/ame]
I think the comments from the page set up for reactions says it all: Biggest troll on the Internet solves all questions to reality, life and death? (unifies quantum mechanics & relativity) : science no the name of the link isn't really what the comments are saying.
Troll or not, it still caught my attention and I don't think it was a video to be taken too seriously either, knowing how 'Athene' is judging from his poker and wow videos . Then again, I know nothing about any of these concepts and the video could've been made for purely entertainment reasons.
It just takes many already "accepted" theories about various subjects and tries to connect them all and come up with some new theory. Basically it's trying to connect idea's that aren't really related. As many people said in the link, it's interesting and sort of entertaining but the idea as a whole is just utterly wrong. It's like saying if every time you leave to go to work you see a cat then try to claim that every time you see a cat it's time to go to work.
Not necessarily, you might get an impulse to go to work if you see the SAME cat at the SAME place. But the logical part of the brain will test this impulse and unless its time to go to work, you will brush off the impulse. I think it is interesting to say the least, its kind of a collective of information and I applaud it for that
the point was that they are taking a collection of ideas and linking them together where there is no link and no evidence that they should/could be. Like I said before, interesting yes but it will lead many people to some wrong conclusions about the world we live in because of the ending. even misinformation is partial correct, that's the whole point of it.
Yea, I have yet to watch the full thing so I dont know much about the ending. Up until 17 min it was interesting though