Atheist are stupid for thinking something came from nothing?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by duck hut, Aug 6, 2011.

  1. I don't do threesomes. Strictly monogamous. It's just me or not at all, sweetheart.

  2. I'm sure m00zix won't mind if I slip away for a bit.
  3. Nothing is not


    sorry i just felt the need to relate the thread to Morbid Angel, cause they kick ass, a lot more than Ke$ha
  4. For the world's biggest troll thread.
  5. Fuck trolls, goblins are where it's at

  6. Fucking lol... I've never seen that gif before.

  7. I don't get it >.O
  8. ??? I'm athiest but that doesn't mean I believe something came from nothing, for all I know god is real, maybe he's not oh well. Me being athiest to me means that I'm not a follower of any specific religion because I don't know what to believe. Sometimes I wonder if it's all just fake and I'm some blank space that imagined the day I live each day, but that doesn't slow me Down I just go with it and live MY life, in no way do I believe any specific thing.
  9. I don't know why this hasn't previously occurred to me.

    A theist can no more say that he doesn't believe that something came from nothing than an atheist would. Interesting that by some delusion, the concept of something existing with no beginning or end seems somehow less absurd to them than something emerging from nothing.

    If a thing has no beginning, then there was nothing before it. Something from nothing. We are all bound in the same enigma. There is everything, and we don't have a good enough explanation for it.

  10. yes but some still insist on providing an explanation....and demanding that it is the right mater how clear it is that they/we dont know.....
  11. people believe in god because they need a crutch for life. learn to handle reality and see things for what they really are.
  12. #377 meddlehaze, Aug 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    That's not true man. It's probably true for some but not for all Theists. It does seem to serve as a crutch at times, but for me that is only a benefit, an advantage. It is not the reason I believe in Him.

  13. have you noticed yet that you are the one who keeps grouping yourself in with these people who suck yet?
  14. gods not a him

    you dont even understand your own beliefs
  15. Please. It's a matter of speech. I think we're all intelligent enough to casually speak on a subjet and interpret the gist of the post regardless of the poster's choice of words.

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