atheism prejudice

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by GreenLantern420, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. I was watching a video on youtube about atheism( and it stated that 7 states do not let people who believe in no god(s) to hold office. I decided to check his facts, and I did.

    Tennessee Constitution;

    Article IX, Section 2;

    "No person who denies the being of God, or a future of rewards and punishments, shall hold any office in the civil department of this state."


    Arkansas Constitution;

    Article XIX section 1;

    "No person who denies the being of God, shall hold office in the civil departments of this state, nor to be competent to testify in any court"


    I would list the other five states but im real lazy right now:p.

    Any thoughts, or comments?

  2. It's crazy. America was not founded under God; as the video shows many of its founders were deists\agnostics\athiests and all of its founders agreed the church would be separate from the state.

    Good job on your research, GreenLantern, but I think the increasing religiosity of America is even more disturbing than those clauses in the state constitutions, since those have been there from the beginning. It is always scary when faith and "divine guidance" take priority over rational thought, and it is scarier still that, in these modern times, it is actually happening more often.

    Just look at America's failed crusade in the Middle East. Corporate motivations have combined with a religious self-righteousness and it's creating a Hell on Earth. I don't think Christ would approve.
  3. I'm glad I watched that video. I learned a few things. Thanks for sharing. :hello:
  4. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    ~Amendment I~

    I'm going to go the common sense route and say that Americans should have the absolute right to believe any way that they choose without fear of being punished. People that force religion onto others are individuals that aren't committed to the ideals and tenants of their respective faiths. If Christians or theists turn their backs on this kind of behavior they aren't worth the parchment their scriptures are written on.

    God is a choice, the human condition is not. It behooves people to learn mutual respect and understanding. Those laws are a disgrace and the people that wrote them an embarrassment.

  5. This is precicely why i hate religion, and definately am not a huge fan right now of where i live, i wish i could have more pride about this country, but honestly, i wish theyd give us a reason. its not like i hate everything about it, its just it starts shit that doesnt need to be started. Just my oppinion, please dont find me hating religion as an insult to people, becouse tho i may not like it, i must keep an open mind myself, and i also must treat people with the same respect, the respect that people have there own oppinions :) have a nice day my fellow gcers
  6. unconstitutional.

    but then, ever since they changed to "in god we trust"... :rolleyes:
  7. so much for seperation of church and state.
  8. This definitely undermines America's principles but I reread those state constitutions and it's not as bad as I originally thought. They only disqualify people "who deny God." The video implied it banned agnostics too, but it doesn't. So you don't have to believe in God; you just can't disbelieve in him. Sucks for the hardcore athiests out there, but only 10% of American people don't believe and God and, among those, only about 10% of those people passionately disbelieve in it. (The belief that God does not exist is itself a belief.)
  9. huh? all thoughts we can express is a belief. including what im typing right now. its just one of those crazy paradox.:p

    edit: "i believe in nothing."
  10. Nope. Check the dictionary. This is from Miriam Webster:

    Belief - A state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing.

    Belief cannot exist without trust or confidence. You don't have to belief in anything, and nothing isn't a thing. Think about it:

    Nothing - No Thing.

    Look at me. I don't know what to believe. I'm agnostic. I don't believe in anything.

    Athiests, however, do believe something. They believe God does not exist. They say that's a fact, and they believe that fact.

  11. yes, i didnt need the differs of agnostic and aetheist pointed out. i am clear on that.
    what i am saying is that to "believe in nothing", is to believe you believe in nothing. its feeds upon itself. i wasnt attacking your statement, but branching from.
  12. *bump because people are being discriminated against*

    I'm going to look up the other 5 state constitutions(tommorrow) to see if they are correct aswell

  13. Actually wrong. Atheists do not say there is no such thing as a god. However we absolutely refute the notion of specific gods. Claimed gods. For the simple reason that there is absolutely no evidence to assert any such specific idea/claim.
  14. Wow, glad this thread got bumped. Now that these injustices are becoming more into the spotlight, it just adds to the list of freedoms being removed (however long ago).

    I think it's time to take our 1st amendment seriously and stop allowing the government to take our freedoms away. Whether it is something as small as petitioning your senator or actually rallying for a cause, something has to be done. Fuck nationality security. I refuse to give up my freedoms so that I am a little safer from people 2000 miles away. Whatever type of policies the government puts into effect, there will still be people trying to undermine it. Violent or not. It's inevitable.

    It's time to start my own island somewhere....
  15. It's really a sad, sad thing considering what this country was based on(religious freedom).
  16. "Religion is about turning untested belief into unshakable truth through the power of institutions and the passage of time."

    Richard Dawkins, Evolutionary Biologist
  17. Don't forget where we are. To deter people from the fact that they are being led by God, in the loosest sense of the word, is what gives them the ideology that their leaders are talking to said deity on a two way radio.

    Such is the reason they believe God is basing their will through his. So all denying parties of said idea cannot possibly be competent of their own being, since they have fallen from the 'light'.

    So will is dictated by God unto us, and all that feel they can deny said premise with a smile on their face will be punished? Denied justice, even? Are they not in control of their own human will?

    Who could defy God's will? If it were his will that we take a constant road of detours until we fuck up, he wouldn't have any reason to create us to begin with.

    "It is only an illusion that we are separate from God." -Bill Hicks

    Think of life as a ride with God in control of each separate car that leaves the terminal. Most of us are moving along this ride at a relatively slow pace, some of us are far closer to reentering the terminal. If God sent our life's train from the station, he knew exactly what speed to set our car at. Thus, God's will is dictated.

    If there is a God, he gave us the basis to form our own decisions, because he knows exactly what they will be. He allows, he disallows, he gives and he takes.

    To say that any children of God are incompetent because they do not recognize his existence is an insult to all things even remotely Christ-like (I know, I hate to bring up a cliche' here). Of course, this is all in the name of freedom.

    "Cocksucker. You heathen. You deny the existence of God? Eh? I'll show you. You're in court now. Sir, do you believe in God? No? SLAM. No question about it, your honor, he is incurably insane. Crazy sunuva bitch. I hope you get fucking cancer. Guards, take him away."
  18. ha. well, shit! that's america for ya. just another one of many do-or-die doctrine that this whore of a country deems, not only just, but moral (whatever the hell that means nowadays).
  19. The theocratic elements in this country stem from the fact that so many people have been misled to think that ethics and faith are analogous, and cannot be mutually exlusive; thus, without Christianity pervading the government, law is meanlingess. The rational and competent among us should know that to be complete bullshit, because really, Christianity and all other religions like it are based on a system of fear and rewards. By adhering to Christianity and similar dotrines, people are essentially saying that they actually don't have the personal conviction to do the right thing. What if something happens to cause a widespread uprooting of adherence to God? I think that would cause the entire religious community going to descend into anarchy. There's a great quote from The Genealogy of Morals about the strength of a man who has the convictions to keep promises, to tell no lie, and do no harm unless absolutely necessary; that's a conviction that Christians simply don't have. By attributing everything to God's will, they've removed the how and the why from morality. I find it very disconcerting.
  20. Well said! :hello:

    I disagree, faith runs so strongly through the fiber of somebody, they could be given the most irrefutable proof possible and they would deny it and look to their 'faith'.

    The patient typically finds himself impelled by some deep, inner conviction that something is true, or right, or virtuous: a conviction that doesn't seem to owe anything to evidence or reason, but which, nevertheless, he feels as totally compelling and convincing. We doctors refer to such a belief as "faith".
    - Richard Dawkins,
    Viruses of the Mind, 1993

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