At work hour and a half early...

Discussion in 'General' started by AsthmaticStoner, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. What would you do? Took my girl in at 3:45 asked if I could come on early and clear up the dishes and cake bread, told me no...might go home and pack a bowl
  2. I used to go to work like 2-3 hours early every day. Seriously.
    I was a delivery driver and was kind of fucked up mentally at the time but would just sit in my car and zone out for a couple hours listening to podcasts/music and writing or playing games on my phone. I had really bad road rage when I was driving so it helped to be as relaxed as possible before that.
  3. I would go home and come back an hour and a half later.
  4. How pointless. I went home, came back only to work for two and a half hours. Fuck my job

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