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At what point do you T-Break?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Nick01857, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. hey all, i really wanted your opinions on this matter. I've been a daily smoker for about one and a half years now. I smoke around 3 times per day and am reaching that "only getting high for 30 minutes" phase.

    If i rip my buddies 3 footer, i get shitfaced quick. But when i use my MFLB or hit my one footer, it just doesn't take me where i want to go anymore. Iv'e decided on a t-break, but at what point do all of you choose to do this?
  2. When you start smoking to feel normal cause youre used to being high ALL THE TIME. I smoke almost a quarter of medi every day and I barely get high anymore so I feel your pain but I guess it all depends on your budget cause if I stay high, I'm satisfied. I was gonna take a T-break, but then I got high.
  3. i wanna get high or stone cold faded every day:smoke:
  4. How do you smoke a quarter a day? Dear lord, get a vape or smoke hash or something.

    I T-break for 3-5 days or something when I want to get really high, never take long ones.
  5. I'm taking a day or two off and in a couple of weeks I'm going to take a week or so off. Mainly because my medical license expires so I'll take a week off before I renew it.

    But I'm in the same situation. I hit my new bong last night and felt nothing after 3 big hits.
  6. This topic comes up often, and usually boils down to.

    1. When you start to grow a strong tolerance, stop smoking for 2 weeks to a month, and you should be good.

    B. Fuck it, just smoke more.

    Personally, I have been smoking every day for years without a intentional T-break, I was forced to stop when I was in Paris and couldn't get any.

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