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At what age did you start smoking, and how long have you been smoking?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by 420inthe407, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. At what age did you start smoking, and how long have you been smoking?

    I started at 14, Im 24 now, so 10 years for me.
  2. I started smoking at 16 and now I'm 21, so 5 years.
  3. beginning of grade 8.. so i would have been 12-13.

    since i'm almost 21 now, that gives me 8 years.
  4. WellI started about 4 months ago, and im 18, so... 4 months. I feel like I'm progressing well.
  5. wow bunch of little stoners around here.......haha.... been at it 20 yrs.........
  6. started smoking at 12 now 20 so ..8
  7. 15 I'm 20 so 5 years... to the dude doing it 20 years you gotta be like late to mid 30's or did u start smokin when you were 9 lol??
  8. Started when I was 21. So about 1.5 years
  9. Started at 13...I'm 41 now, so 28 years :smoking:

  10. I'll be there one day up with you but till i get to 40 :rolleyes:

    started the minute i turned 13 @ 12 o'clock on my b-day :hello:

    been smoking for 9 proud/lazy years lol
  11. Since 16 (After Marine Biology class) god i needed to after that one. Now 20, soon to be 21.
  12. between the ages of 15 and I'm 21 so basically 6 years.
  13. I started smoking at age 13(Jan 14, my b-day) and I'm 28 now so.. 15 years and 2 weeks exactly.:smoke:
  14. 14. And now im 19 so 5 years
  15. I'm 22 and I've been smoking since I was 17!
  16. I've been smoking sense i was 16 and im 18 now so 2 years
  17. pretty much something like that ......puffed my first joint on a school field trip when i was 13. smoked everyday since ..... have maybe missed 30 days in 20 years of smoking. couple days here and there to broke to buy but varey rarely. started with that crap shwag you get sold or your friends steal from their parents. been smoking nothing but chronic at least the past 3 yrs got my medical marijuana card awhile back ...... seasoned toker :smoking:
  18. Since I was 14 so 4 years
  19. I started smoking when I was 13. I found one of my uncles roaches in an ashtray and "Flick went the bic". Ive been enjoying it ever since. 15 years later, Ive tried my hand at growing, and seem to be doing pretty well with it.:D
  20. Started right after turning 14. I'm 18 now so 4 and a half years.

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