Astrology and its connection to society

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by pavlakos, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. Personally ive always been fascinated by the stars and astrology, and my sign describes me perfectly(Gemini). I feel that the stars effect each person and their personality, like a predetermined path and place, but not preditermining the outcome.
  2. numbers are where its at. :) coinciding w/ astrology

    sry im sober, haha
  3. That website gave a very different perspective on my sign. I'm a Taurus and I found myself agreeing with many things 100% then disagreeing with other things 100%. Taurus and love sounded about right, and I am exactly the "earthy" Taurus woman they describe.

    I looked up Taurus and Gemini, Gemini being my boyfriend. He's actually very very Gemini. But it's funny when I read how well they go together. The web site said "Woe is the Taurus who ends up with a Gemini." Haha oh well.
  4. of course, each constellation is measured mathematically as everything else. numbers are everywhere, i just try not to see them so i dont go crazy like that jim carey in that movie 23(?)
  5. Sorry, but i think it's a bunch of bullshit.
  6. Yeah im not about to get into some fiction (that humans fall for) Imagine making money off all these people who only want to read what there day/week/month will be like...instead of living themselves
  7. Humans fall into bullshit like this because most of them need to be told what to do.

  8. Yes and no. Most who "believe" in astrology really doesn't. It's more entertainment to them. You know, read the horoscope in the paper, have a little giggle and forget about it. Almost like how I read the funnies.
  9. I thought the same thing, until I asked the other day at a bonfire w/ my friends. About half read their horoscopes on a daily basis, and more than half who read them said they actually think it is "true". I thought its classification as pseudoscience was obvious....
  10. i wouldnt really consider it a science of any kind really....

    personally i do think that the daily horoscopes are bullshit, but your astrolgical symbol in my opinion is definently reflected in your personality.

  11. All "astrological symbols" are reflected in my character, and every person I have ever got to know relatively well. So, what does that mean?
  12. For those who wish to seriously study all of the worlds religions both past and present, it becomes very, very obvious that all the worlds religions today were based on paganism and astrology.

    I'll let you guys draw your own conclusions regarding this fact:D
  13. described me pretty well, i'm a taurus

    i find happiness in solid secure things, and i dont believe in going out on a limb for a possible outcome, i like simple cause and effect, like instead of writing a book and hoping it gets published, i'd rather do something i know will put money in my hand immediately and indefinitely
  14. *sigh*
    I went to a psychic one time, and she was totally right! She said that she suspected I had a death in the family, and my grandpa died 8 years ago! HOW DID SHE KNOW!?!?!1!!1!
  15. astrology is bullshit and the only connection to "society" is to the suckers who buy into this crap.

    No offense. But I believe Astrology should be looked at as something like playing the lottery or bingo or buying magic beans or some other bullshit thing. It's not real. In all the thousands of years it's been around, it has never been proven real/accurate and never will be. It has been proven false many many many times

    have fun though. Please, uptight members do not take this as an ATTACK, it's just my opinion. Yeah apparently you have to put a disclaimer on your post if you want to speak your mind. Otherwise someone might get their widdwe feewings hurt!
  16. its all good, i was hoping for more positive feedback but i guess ill deal with criticism :D

    EDIT: in the meantime ill give you guys a little something to work with and see for yourselves.

    please check that out, it matched all my relationships with friends and family perfectly... of course with 1 or two minor exceptions.
  18. Finally!

    I see how you guys can think your symbol's description matches your personality, but read all of the descriptions and you'll find out you can connect with any symbol. The point is that they make everything deliberately vague For someone that is reading it with the intention of thinking the description is correct, it's not very hard to word it make them think so. I'm not sure my wording is very great, but I hope you understand the point.
  19. i understand your point, but youre wrong. ive heard that before and it really only applies to the daily horoscopes in my opinion not the sign itself.

    everything described in gemini is how my personality is, i couldnt say i am at all like a virgo, or at all like a sagitarius, or at all like a taurus. just gemini. why dont you read all of them, and maybe look at the relationship section and see your relationship with friends or family or girlfriends signs and see how it describes everything so well.

    for the past few years i thought i had ADD, actually had it, not the bullshit they diagnose kids with because they werent interested in Hamlet. After learning more about my astrological symbol, and Mercury my ruling planet, my ADD symptoms were clear to me. Im just a gemini, theres nothing wrong with me.
    thats just an example, and depending on the planetary allignment on your date of birth, the traits of your sign may vary slightly. for instance if you are born on the last date of gemini, you will certainly have some cancer traits. that and what age we are currently in(were now in pisces, moving into aquarius)

    PS. revolution, Digit says that was very Taurus of you :laughing:
  20. I vote for mr. blonde

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