Astral Projection?

Discussion in 'General' started by blazin420allday, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. Lately I've taken an interest in astral projection and was just curious have any of you blades ever done it? I've been practicing lately and I'm pretty sure I got to the vibrational stage last night but didn't know what to do and opened my eyes :/ does anyone have any tips/methods on how to get past that?
  2. I personally believe Astral Projection is just a WILD/variation of lucid dreaming. So to get past that stage just lie still and keep doing what you were doing to get to that part. The trick is to not get disturbed and go deeper into sleep/awake border.
  3. I've successfully tried once. I've made it through my bedroom door but then woke up for some reason. There are occasions where I'll be half asleep half awake and I could see my ceiling with eyes shut. It may or may not be real. I've heard of a story where a man went through surgery with sheets over his head and could recall the exact movements the surgeon was making (stretching in between incision, etc.). But I normally take stories like those with a grain of salt.
  4. I've had three successful astral projections and they were all spontaneous and random. I'd been meditating heavily for weeks prior to these projections but each one was under entirely different circumstances. After seeing what I saw, now everytime I attempt to project I can't. I have this pre-determined vision in my mind of where I want to go and what I want to see and I believe it's hindering my ability to project successfully. When I had my three successful projections I had no expectations of what was going to happen. Now I have certain expectations about what is going to happen and I think this is what is causing me to have difficulty astral projecting. The point i'm trying to get across is to have no expectations and just 'go with the flow' so to speak. Good luck.
  5. I've accomplishe it a couple of times. First time was short because i twitched and opened my eyes.
    The time that really impressed me was while I was listening to music extremely high and had tea bags over my eyes. I started seeing transitioning colors far in the pitch black. Started switching faster and faster. then It spun and I saw the universe. I started pushing my self accross the emptiness, everything swurl again and I started walking in a forest, until I reached a cabin like hanzel and gretel. I
    can't remember much from the experience but I was completely concious.
  6. To get past the tingly you have to give in. Give the universe control and give up the anxiety about it. It's hard to explain but you have to just let your body do what it wants to.

  7. Ok I think I know what you mean bro
  8. I have unintentionally astral projected. I don't believe there is a sure fire way of doing so. For me, all it took was some super potent Sour D, some good ass music then heavy meditation. I was relaxed to the point where my mind was clear and boom, it happened.

  9. Last night I smoked a gram of grape kush to relax me and clear my head and that's the only time I've ever gotten to the vibrational stage
  10. I'm not sure if we are talking about the same thing or not. I bought this app for like 10$ called "I-doser" and it has a song/tune(whatever the hell it is) called astral projection. I listened to it one night laying down with my eyes closed and I felt like my body was like floating almost. After it was over, I gradually stood up to turn off my light and go to sleep. I nearly tripped getting up because I had no feelings in my legs. And my body felt numb almost. Was pretty cool though, I slept like a baby

  11. After browsing a bit through the interwebs, I came across a site that said this-

    "Step five:
    Learn to control the vibrational state. Practice controlling them by mentally pushing them into your head, down to your toes, making them surge throughout your entire body, and producing vibrational waves from head to foot. To produce this wave effect, concentrate of the vibrations and mentally push a wave out of your head and guide it down your body. Practice this until you can induce these waves on command. Once you have control of the vibrational state, you are ready to leave the body."

    Astral Projection - How to Astral Project

    I remember when the vibration staged happened for me(people experience vibrations differently) I had begun thinking about chakra manipulation and playing with chi. I began visualizing waves and waves of energy rippling through my body and that's when it begun.

  12. I know what you're talking about. I used to have it and tried two of the tracks. They worked alright lol
  13. I've gotten the tingles before. I think one time I was lifting out and got scared as fuck and opened my eyes.

    I can make my "third eye" vibrate at will. I never knew what that means or what to do with it though.

    It's kinda hard for me to get to virbrational state through my whole body, but I can with deep meditation. My third eye area though....I can set that mf off any time I want, tingles galore....anyone have any ideas on that?

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