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Asshole Dealer. But its my fault

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by shredthegnar101, Dec 23, 2011.

  1. So I was going for my second pickup from this dealer that is a friend of a friend, and the first time, he had the weed with him and we had no problems. But this time, he said to give him the money, and he would be back in 10 minutes with the weed. I KNOW THIS IS MY FAULT, but thinking he was chill from the first time we met, I said ok. Turns out he never comes back, pocketed my 60 bucks, and blocked my phone number and me on facebook.


    Now I can't smoke till after new years.
  2. thats shity man id be pissed toalk to your friend that he is friends with maybe thatl help idk
  3. Find him and make him give you your money back.
  4. Don't let him get away with that shit.
  5. Hit 'em with tha Louisville slugger
  6. Call the police and file a complaint. Lmao
  7. Pop his tires. Makes you feel tough.
  8. Do you know where he lives or anything about him?

    Honestly, if I were in your situation, I would report him to the police for drug dealing.. I wouldn't give a fuck. He took your money, do something back to him. Get him fucked over. He shouldn't be doin that shit.

    If he was a smart dealer, he wouldn't have scammed you. By dealing, he's risking being snitched on. So snitch on him :) He should have been a smarter dealer and not scammed you.
  9. I'd be plannin' some serious whoop ass if i were you.
  10. I know a guy who knows a guy who will sort that for you.

    Its your mate steve.

    Hey john hows it going man! Found you on the city.
  11. Op, I hope you take this quote to heart......


  12. Fuck that, unlucky, man. If my dealer robbed $60 off me, i'd be pissed, but i would't snitch on anything under $100, three digit numbers are alot for me, so yeah, that's when i'd snitch.
  13. Snitch on that fucker.
  14. lol that dealer is a retard

    he fucked you for $60.. he would of made well over that if he kept dealing with you.
  15. weedmen don't do that,must be a fake dealer..
  16. thats why i secretly have my dealers address, home phone number, license plate #, ect.

  17. I hope nobody who knows you smoke marijuana ever feels as though you've wronged them.

    In general, if you partake in an illegal activity, it's good manners to not rat out anyone for doing the same illegal activity. Yes, the asshole robbed you, but you shouldn't use the police to exact revenge for you, take care of it on your own.
  18. Same kind of shit happened to me and my buds a few years back new years eve.
    The day before new years eve my buddy(we'll call him T) was walking home and got jumped and knocked out, they never stole anything from him but he went to the hospital anyway, after he got checked out he went outside for a smoke and met this guy smoking a j, he got smoked up and the guy said if he wanted some bud he would hook him up with some purple haze(said that was the shit they were smoking).
    The guy gave him his number and said he could get him a quarter for 60.
    So new years eve arrives and T, myself and a few others were calling all the weed contacts we knew for bud.. But everyone was dry.
    So T mentions the guy he met and we decided to give him a call, he said he would hook us up but he wanted to meet T alone in a park on foot, everyone knew something wasn't right, but T insisted.
    So we drove T to a block away from the park and we kept saying that we should go with him, he said he had it covered and walked to meet the guy.
    T gave the guy the money and they guy handed him a small black garbage bag, T didnt smell it or look at it just started skipping back to the car.

    Turns out the guy sold him fucking pine needles ripped off from a tree..
    Sorry for the long post but I'm stoned and tend to ramble.

    TLDR: buddy gave a guy 60 for a quarter of purple haze and got a black garbage bag full of pine needles..
  19. Kill him. I say you beat him unconscious with a hammer then take all his valuables. Then set his house on fire and take him into the middle of the woods and tie one of those saws that is made out of string around his neck and tie it around a tree, tie his hands together and his legs together and set a small fire behind his so if he leans back he burns or if he leans forwards he slits his neck. OR... Just get over it. :confused_2:
  20. Thanks for all the ideas everyone hahahaha...I got my friend to tell him that I would tell all the people I know that he was a piece of shit dealer and cheated me out of 60 bucks unless he gave me my bud or the money back, and we seem to be working things out

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