Assassins Creed

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Invisible Toker, May 22, 2012.

  1. So I've played Assassins Creed And Assassins Creed 2. I'm currently starting Brotherhood then revelations to get caught up to Assassins Creed 3. Roughly how long should it take me? And do I still play Etzio or as someone new in Revelations? And over all what have you all thought of the games so far? Worth getting the third or not?
  2. brotherhood is pretty fun, but I still think AC2 was the best. The assassins are kinda fun to play with.

    revelations doesn't really add much to the game... I didn't like it all that much

    and yeah, you're Ezio for both games

  3. From What I've played so far. I have to agree AC2 has been my favorite so far, but I'm in no position to make such claims. Are you buying AC3?
  4. Brotherhood and Revelations should take you about the same as AC2, although to me Revelations seemed a bit shorter. You play as Ezio in both of those games. AC2 is definitely the best, though Brotherhood did make some nice improvements particularly to the combat. Revelations is pretty much the same as Brotherhood. It is missable but if you love the AC series like me, then it is worth playing. Definitely getting AC3, that is the game I am most looking forward to.

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