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Assassins Creed: Unity

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Vicious, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. #1 Vicious, Nov 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2014
    I'm 2/3 through AC4 but I can never pass up on a day 1 torrent. Plus I wanted to try it because it's slaughtering people's computers. Looks fucking amazing so far. No doubt someone's going to say gfx don't matter and it looks the same on console.

    Post a proper opinion once I get into some action.

  2. Snagged it lastnight, been playing it on PS4, and I can say it is beau-ti-fucking-ful.
    Haven't played a Creed since III and I wasn't very impressed, surprisingly so being I'm from the area in which a lot of took place.
    But, since I grabbed this shit lastnight I can say it sucked me right back in like the second did.
    Can't wait to get to the co-op shnit and check it out.
  3. so is this ac recommended by anybody? im seriously considering getting this on my ps4 just to help get through whats seems to be the longest week of my fucking life waiting for next gen gta v to come out
  4. #5 Exhazer, Nov 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2014
    i have a friend bitching about it on facebook. I dont know. hes bitching about this Mirco-transaction...this is part of what he said.
    "Review copies had the micro-transactions hidden from them and had a review embargo until noon yesterday, FPS drops down to 20 in some spots. (Because they didn't want to cause debates over parity) stupid micro-transactions, and constant crashing and stuttering".
    Personaly i dont see how AC Unity would be "special" anyways. All the other ones are pretty much the same just different Time Line each game. 
  5. #6 Vicious, Nov 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2014
    So, typical gaming journalism and console problems.
    To be fair, you need a $500 graphics card to run that game stably. There's no way an Xbone or PS4 could run the same game with their power.
    Also, with reviews, they're paid off and are unable to mention anything about glitches, frame drops or any of the like. It's the reason GamerGate is blowing up.
  6. well i just bought it on ps4 for thirty dollars so whatever i had nothing to lose
  7. Nothing to get defensive about.
  8. #9 Bleeze, Nov 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2014
    holy shit im actually really digging this game. it makes me sad that gamers have to be so unappreciative. i mean come on really if it doesn't look good enough for you kill yourself. SO WHAT the framerate drops to low 20's it's not like you're dying. Pretty smooth for me
    BTW this isn't directed towards anybody before you guys start tripping
  9. The game is optimized like shit on all platforms. You shouldn't need a gtx980 to run it on max settings. Ubisoft drops the ball again, just like Watch Dogs. I pray for Far Cry 4. Won't hold my breath.
  10. #11 Exhazer, Nov 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2014
    so why is PC gaming cool? SWEET A NEW GAME...aww crap need 500 dollars for video card...AWW SWEET ANOTHER NEW crap need more ram least my video card is good for 5 more months. AWW SWEET A NEW GAME....needs new video card just to play on Ultra High...AWW SWEET ITS NOVEMBER decides to buy a ps4 cause realizes PC gaming is outrageously expensive.
  11. AC2 was the best but this one feels like a whole new AC since it kinda has that classic AC2 vibe on it. I felt sucked in too:)

    Mass appeal
  12. #13 Vicious, Nov 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2014
    Said no PC gamer ever.
    Spoken like a true console kiddy. Its all about being an Idort.
    I thought so too, this is the most AC2 like AC, even moreso in some ways. I like that there's no heavy handed history lesson fanwank in the French Revolution like they did with AC3. It's nowhere near as polished gameplay wise as AC2 but its the best looking game I've seen this generation outside some glitches.
  13. I wouldn't say all that. Console gaming is indeed more convenient. PC gaming isn't what you make it seem to be though. Games like AC running like shit even on decent gfx cards is the devs fault. Ubisoft has been careless with their recent releases. If The Division runs like shit too I may have to boycott Ubisoft games.
  14. The pc ports currently happening are absurd in the face of it. Horrible dev teams who can't make a game run any better on a new gtx 970 then on the old 680. Having problems with bf4 as well.

    I was pretty excited to be able to play all the new games on solid settings when I bought my 970.

    I guess fuking not.

    It's like ubisoft is a team of coordinated retards.

    And we the sheep keep buying their garbage.

    I want a good game release. Not just a game that looks fancy in a trailer. Not just a game made my a big name. I want a game that was tested pre release.

    this is my signature. Right here.
  15. They lost me at micro transactions.
  16. Micro transactions make me so mad. They took the idea behind video games and turned it around just so they can make profit. I mean why not start charging based on the texture res. 640p for poor and those who can afford get 4k. Fuck you big corporations and fuck you greedy fuckwits who run those big corporations. And the worst part? Those making millions of video games, don't even play video games.

    this is my signature. Right here.
  17. #18 ThuggishReefer, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2014

    This also includes dlc's and season passes. Just another way to squeeze every last bit out of us. If we wouldn't be buying those we'd eventually get them for free anyways.
    I would have no problem going back to expansion packs. Something released 6m - year after release that completely add new content and features. Not just reskins or map packs. I would pay for that. CoD; United Offense was easily the greatest expansion pack of all time. What equally gets me is early access and the fools that pay for fucking Alpha games.
  19. I know the feels. I bought dayz standalone. A game that has been in alpha stage for 2+ years. Pathetic.

    Developers have too much money and not enough ambition to make something creative. Not to mention that they STILL don't listen to the community like they should.

    this is my signature. Right here.

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