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Asking Questions.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BluntAssassin, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. I want to ask my dealer about when he harvests so I can buy the bud at it's freshest. Is this a good question or does it even matter?
  2. if you know for sure he grows his own, don't ask when he harvest, rather let him know that you would like to pick up his freshest bud possible, he'll let you know when it's fresh.

    do you know anything about his grow setup, namely, indoor or outdoor? if it's outdoor, you will have no problem figuring out when it's gonna be fresh. if it's indoors, depending on how available his weed is, he probably harvest every couple months, in which case, you'd pretty much be getting fairly fresh weed.

    hope I was helpful
  3. Yea, I wouldn't ask when he harvests. Seems a little... sketchy.

  4. He grows indoor. Because sometimes the bud is nice and sticky and other times the bud is dryer. He's a fairly well known dealer so I just wanted first pick.
    Thanks for the help.

  5. so why does that prove he's an indoor grower or a grower at all?
  6. I was reiterating why I wanted to ask him about harvesting.
    It came off like that's what my reason for him growing, but it wasn't. He has told me he grows and I have seen a pic of his setup.
  7. Hmm, indoor bud. So figure every couple of months ask for fresh bud and you may be right on time.

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