Asking about grinders in head shops?

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by k_semler, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. A head shop just opened up locally, and I'm going down there tomorrow with 2 intentions.

    1. Just browse, and see the selection.

    2. Pick up a grinder w/ a kief compartment.

    Anyhow, my question is, would I get the boot if I were to ask if they had any grinders w/ a kief catcher? Or what would I refer to it as? An herbal grinder with a pollen compartment? Sorry for the noobish question, but this is the first head shop that has been open in the area since 2005, and I've never had a grinder before. I figure a grinder is a far more efficient way to break up ganja then using that crappy tray out of aluminum foil that I "invented", with my pocket knife as the chosen instrument of breakage.
  2. Say anything but kief
  3. Say that you're looking for a 4stage grinder. They will understand.
  4. The grinder I just ordered on amazon was called a "Tobacco Pollen Herb Grinder w/ Pollen Case" so I guess pollen catcher or pollen screen or something along those lines. However,that being said, I agree with selrix - just ask for a 4 stage grinder and they'll take it from there.
  5. They call a kief tray a pollen catcher in head shops.
  6. OK, cool. Thanks guys. :bongin:

    Q: 1st stage gets stems, 2nd stage gets ground materials 3rd stage gets kief, what is the 4th stage for? Storage?
  7. Thats what you should call it in a head shop, a pollen catcher.
  8. unless im wrong your thinking of four chamber but no its three chamber 4 piece. two pieces.

    here is a sample 4 Part Grassleaf Polinator - Dutch -
  9. The top part where the bud goes into is two parts and then two additional pieces for the other compartments
  10. Just to clarify what others have said, the first two pieces are the teeth, the first piece being the top set of teeth and the second being the bottom set with holes for the ground bud to fall through. The third piece is the screen to catch the bud, and the fourth part is just the bottom of the grinder to catch what falls through the screen (kief).

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