Ask Pres. Obama via Youtube

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by SlipperyPete, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. #1 SlipperyPete, Jan 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2012
    Ask the president via youtube

    So in four (4) days, the POTUS will be answering youtube questions.

    If you post one, make it a good one and post here.

    edit: Here's my question. Although NORML currently has one of the top questions already :smoke:
  2. Stop begging and playing their games, and adding yourself to their electronic lists of "dissenters." :cool:

  3. 7 proxies :cool:
  4. This submission has been removed because people believe it is inappropriate.


    I didn't have the time to watch it, did he answer NORML's question before it was deleted?

  5. He's going to answer all the questions on the 30th of January (I think next Monday).

    Not sure why NORML's question was deleted.

    Their questions went something like: Marijuana prohibition costs billions of tax dollars and non-violent law offenders to be sentenced to prison, when will this stop?
  6. "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so"-Thomas Jefferson Please tell me your feelings about this quote and the legal penalty associated with the possession of marijuana..

    That's the question I posted. It hasn't been deleted yet though.
    Forgot to use a proxy...
  7. #7 Deleted member 445450, Jan 25, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2013
    It means exactly what it reads....keep smoking and don't give a flip.
  8. #8 amsterdamage, Jan 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2012
    Thanks for posting the link! I've asked 17 MJ related questions so far. Pity he'll see none. :(

    Since he won't get to see them, I'll post my questions here so at least somebody might get to read them:
    1. States with medical marijuana laws have seen a 9% drop in alcohol-related traffic fatalities. We can save a LOT of lives by giving ALL adults the right to substitute marijuana for alcohol. Why are you not making this happen?

    2. The DEA are the main enforcers of the federal marijuana prohibition AND the only organization able to end the prohibition. This is a clear conflict of interest! How do we know if they're working to protect society or their jobs?

    3. President Obama, I think it's disgusting that you arrest 850,000 people a year and deny people the right to switch from alcohol to marijuana when marijuana is safer than water. What's the real reason you keep marijuana illegal?

    4. We've had the federal marijuana prohibition for forty years now, when is it going to start working? Marijuana is easier for kids to buy than beer!

    5. Who are "the people" deeming the marijuana questions to be inappropriate and removing them? What is the REAL reason you won't legalize adult marijuana sales?

    6. Marijuana has repeatedly been proven to NOT cause cancer, heart disease, brain damage, liver disease, emphysema, or any other significant health issue, and its addiction potential is about on par with coffee. Why will you not legalize marijuana?

    7. Keeping marijuana in the same Schedule as HEROIN sends kids the message that heroin is as safe as pot. This is a very dangerous message for the federal government to send to our children! Can you see that the prohibition creates more harm than good?

    8. The massive and unrelenting demand for marijuana in our country combined with zero legal supply draws drug dealers into our communities making them LESS safe. Can you see that the harms created by the federal prohibition far outweigh the benefits?

    9. Has anybody in the federal government ever traveled to The Netherlands and observed that the coffeeshops are NO BIG DEAL? The federal marijuana prohibition is BAD law that makes kids LESS safe!

    10. Banning stores from selling marijuana has NOT ended demand for the stuff. The Mexican cartels have murdered 50,000 people mainly to protect the supply routes that meet this demand. Can you see that your prohibition is creating more harm than good?

    11. When will you tell the ONDCP to stop blindly opposing marijuana and instead research its pros and cons with an open mind? I want officials who'll think before making a decision! I don't the DEA & ONDCP just filled with anti-pot people like right now.

    12. Discrimination is wrong no matter what form it's in. We ended slavery in the U.S., we ended institutionalized racism, we gave women the vote and we ended workplace ageism. Please stop discriminating against people for preferring marijuana to alcohol.

    13. Datura (Jimson Weed) is legal to grow and possess while Cannabis is illegal to grow and possess. How is this remotely logical? Doesn't it seem to you that President Nixon criminalized the wrong weed? Please allow stores to sell marijuana to adults.

    14. Our laws should create more good than harm. Can you prove to the American people that the federal marijuana prohibition creates more good than harm? If you can't, will you end it? And if not, why not?

    15. Why is preferring to relax with a joint instead of a beer after work considered such a bad thing that you have to have the police sniffing around trying to catch these people whose only crime is that they enjoy marijuana over alcohol?

    16. Banning the legal sale of marijuana while not ending its demand enriches criminals and makes children LESS safe. Forty years of prohibition has failed to end this demand. When will you admit that it's impossible to end the demand for marijuana?

    17. Forty years of federal marijuana prohibition has failed to end the demand for marijuana. Unrelenting demand & zero legal supply undermines our safety. Realistically, which can you achieve - legalizing adult marijuana sales or ending marijuana demand?
  9. SOmehow, I don't think answering truthfully that parts of the drug war are going to be taken off the books as "drug war" spending, outsourced to blackwater, and buried in other departmental budgets would appease the voters. :rolleyes::D
  10. #10 Rollbud, Jan 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2012
    Not to burst any bubbles, but the exact same thing happened last year. Prohibition was one of the top questions (as it is this year). He responded by mocking the people who asked the questions related to prohibition then dodged the question all together. I will see if I can find the video.


    Gotta love how he openly laughs at a top question and shrugs off citizens concerns.
  11. Yeah, we know. But we've got to keep hammering at them. We're not going away, we keep getting stronger and the more we show our strength the more supporters we get.
  12. Just saw this note on the youtube page...

    "Note: President Obama and the White House are not responsible for question selection and will not see the questions that will be asked prior to the interview."

    What a load of B.S. So they are gonna play ignorant and pretend not to know that there are literally 100 questions regarding marijuana.

    I hate this fucking country. We get no fucking answers or explanations for anything. Everything just gets brushed off or is given the politician "spin". Everyone knows that they're lying through their fuckin teeth, but no one will do anything about it. The U.S. government can't legitimize anything that they do anymore. Everything is corrupt! EVERYTHING. I mean seriously, when was the last time they gave something to the people that we wanted? SO many issues that WE THE PEOPLE want but no...they know whats best for us! Gay marriage, marijuana, the stupid fucking wars...its all a crock of shit that they feed us. It makes me angry that they do it, and almost as angry that MOST people are completely unaware...little sheeple with their blinders on.

    ugh! /rant
  13. more like 3,000. That's how many came up when I searched on the word "marijuana".
  14. What was his response last night? I couldn't watch live and wasn't able to find the recording on youtube.

  15. He didn't even address the subject
  16. "Inflation mr.president.... care to talk about that to the people of the u.s."
  17. Don't forget everybody it is an election year. Pandering to the masses is the name of the game...just like Newt telling the people on the Space Coast of Fl. that we will have a permanent Moon Colony...all total bullshit to get votes...
  18. Just in case you weren't paying attention.

    You Tube/ Google decided not to allow LEAP's leader (a retired police chief) to ask President Obama a question about the Drug Wars abject failure. You Tube set up the vote (their idea),You Tube users voted, LEAP was chosen as the group to question the President & LEAP's question was most voted for to be asked by a huge margin. Somehow You Tube decided to ignore it's own idea (to have users decide who and what to ask the President) and instead hold a pep rally for him by asking meaningless drivel like "whats your favorite song".

    My guess is that they thought currying political favor for tax breaks on the money they want to repatriate from their off shore accounts was more important than the questions their customers/users want asked of the President. So much for the importance of high tech to the service of democracy.
  19. Absolute garbage, If he had any courage he would have addressed the question in a formal way describe why the policies are in place and where he sees it in the future. Even if his answer is not to change the polices, that's better then acting like a question wasn't even there. That is an insult to his citizens (many of whom voted for him) when he cant even respond to their questions.

    This election seems as if it is going to kill our hopes for the end of prohibition. Newt Gingritch believes that drug users aren't real US citizens, and he even backed a bill that would have given the death penalty to drug smugglers. Romney is against even medical marijuana for terminally ill patients. Ron Paul seems ideal, but his other ideas are far too drastic for many people. Hate to say it but it seems like it's going to be awhile before the federal government cuts the bullshit and repeals prohibition. I just cant understand in our economy how people think the cost of continuing a 100% flawed system is justifiable.

  20. There's always more than face value. You think the government doesn't have it's hand in organized crime? They won't take money away from themselves. I'm pretty sure the DEA is so people feel as if they actually give a fuck.

    Career politicians is what's fucks us over. You have people who do nothing but have their hand in the government, people become corrupt and it's all about money money money. If they actually gave a fuck about us they would listen, which is a joke to think they even remotely do. They need to be treated less powerful because they are, if people would actually stand up we would get shit done, but people are content just following's going to take something MAJOR for any of it to change.

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