ask a guy who just wasted 10 hours of his life any fucking thing.

Discussion in 'General' started by HighHaze, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. i JUST learned how to make a video using windows movie maker (by myself), so i made a video for one of my tracks. the lyrics are original but it was laced over one of Snoop Dogg's beats. I wasnt trying to make money off of it so i assumed it would all be okay, because im making it for my upcoming FREE mixtape. i was wrong.

    after pulling an all nighter making the damn video, i tried uploading it and just see the video without the audio, and they just erased the whole audio and left the video. apparently i still cant use the beat even though i have no intention of making money off of it, and even gave credit to the owner.

    i dont even know what to do with the video now, i feel like i just wasted 10 hours of my life.
  2. Make an original beat that still goes with the lyrics.

    I write lyrics, raps, and music all the time.
    If you enjoy doing it just smoke up, sit down, and craft a new beat with any sort of instrument.

    good luck.
  3. Damn that sucks. Sounds so frustrating! I hate when stuff like that happens...
  4. Same thing happend to me windows movie maker is a piece of shit.
  5. but everything was so interdependent.... like the pictures were implied through the beat :(

    im through fuckin with this, original beats only from now on.

    looks like im gonna have to take days upon days learning how to use fruity loops just to come out with a crappier beat that doesnt fit with the pictures most likely. whatever.

    u got some music i can listen to?
  6. Where the fuck did I leave my weed last night?
  7. i screamed at the top of my lungs at least three times.....
    its not windows movie maker, it all comes down to youtube and copyright laws
  8. Did you try uploading it on youtube? Because they have EXTREMELY strict audio rules and there are only a certain few that you can choose from. Try and upload it onto Vimeo.
  9. that won't be the last hour you wasted of your life.

    Just learn from this.

    Sorry you had a bad day :)
  10. Fruity Loops only takes minutes to learn, it's really intuitive unless you want mad synths or something, for average hip-hop style beats it'll be a snap!
    I bet you have the track done in 1/2 the time the vid took you.
  11. 10 hours redeemed :hello:
  12. If you're asking for original music, my band should be recording this weekend if everything goes as planned. (Band's name: Mandatory Cherry)

    If not, I've been listening to Animal Collective non-stop, they're full of musical genius.
  13. No problem mayne.

    Be sure to post the vid when its done processing.
  14. i hope so

    you gotta myspace or a website?
  15. No website yet because I have no songs to post up.
    My band is drums/bass/guitar/vocals, and its me and a couple friends.
    We have some good sounding songs and once I get them recorded I'll throw them up online so you can check em out.

  16. Mhm.. they're both pieces of shit.

    I had to use divx mpeg4 codecs to enable HD on my video every clip I had needed to be converted.. I added a track to it and I got the copyright error and no sound I resorted to using the half assed playlist on audioswap.
  17. I can haz a cookie? :)
  18. in the top drawer of the dresser to the left of your door

  19. is that you rapping? that's hella good :smoking:

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