low pressure. alien or mtn 94. high pressure. mtn hardcore. I normally use rustoleum fills with Montana hardcore outlines.
haven't got arrested for graff. but I usually drink like 2-3 shots so I don't get paranoid while painting.
Is there a certain angle you can hold the can to get the best results(no bleed, solid color)? Sometimes the paint tends to bleed or not look right. Do you believe yourself to be an artist or a vandal? I hold no grief toward graff writers personally. I thoroughy enjoy the whole illegal, anti-society aspect of the art. Also whats a good " carrying case". I got a little black backpack but its quite obvious what im carryin around when I walk(u know what sound I mean) do you only work under cover of night? Have you ever gotten caught?
angle of the can and distance with vary the line width and opacity. if u hold can away from wall far paint gonna show up not as bright. also different brands of paint have different coverage. also the surface ur writing on. concrete makes the colors more flat. metal more bright. untreated wood will absorb the paint making it look like shit. I'm a vandal an an artist. I enjoy the finer arts as well as illegal ones. never wear a backpack. dead give away ur up to no good. put paint in a dollar general or food mart bag. or keep a can or two on ur waist. I paint at night and day. really depends on spots. u should plan ur night before going out. take pics of the spots u want to catch. make note of cameras and escape routes from ur spots. I always paint with 1-2 people so we keep our eyes out. havnt gotten caught, yet.
My buddy just bought a couple hundred cans of Molotow brand "Flame". It's pretty good, seems to get better coverage than Montana paint, but isn't quite as low pressure. Still candy colors though. What paint do you use for bombing?
im a graffiti writer. how do i convice random bitches to let me do giant pieces on there naked body. shits so dope but usally if i get one close to willing she ends up having a 6'4 black boyfrind. peace.
nope fills4throws = anything. does. not. matter. your style on throws is more in the can control then the opacity of the fill in. handstyles, same thing. if its a good handstyle itll look dope with a walmart stock tip and it will also look dope flared with a pink dot. people are to caught up on paint. learn on shit, then use good stuff when u want to do burners and productions.
nope fills4throws = anything. does. not. matter. your style on throws is more in the can control then the opacity of the fill in. handstyles, same thing. if its a good handstyle itll look dope with a walmart stock tip and it will also look dope flared with a pink dot. people are to caught up on paint. learn on shit, then use good stuff when u want to do burners and productions.
I was asking him personally. I learned with (and mostly use) rusto and american accents and they both work great. I just think that using fancier (not cheap domestic stuff) on throw-ups is kind of a waste, unless you are hitting up a spot that you think will last a long time. Believe me, I'm not caught up on paint. I'm just curious to see what other people use/prefer...
I recently got a bunch of clash. honestly not liking the even pressure. it takes long time to dry. it said "100% instantaneous chrome cover" I try to go over chrome(that I sprayed a week ago) and still didn't cover chrome..