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Asianpeter4's Pickup Thread

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Asianpeter4, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. J1 (JACK HERER x SKUNK #1)-

    UK Cheese-

    XXX Platinum-
  2. Nice Cheese
  3. Are you by any chance that Peter chow guy on youtube? Shit made me laugh mad hard the other day.

  4. careful when you cut it. :D
  5. @goldenkiwi naw lol

    Nuggetry OG X Herrojuana-

    Lotus OG-
  6. Nuggetry Green Crack #1-

    Tigers Blood OG-

    Nuggetry OG Honeycomb-
  7. I've been seeing these nuggetry dank on marijuanareviews on youtube, i'm jealous :D
  8. Dank... and that shit doesnt look cheap... that all 50/eighth+ shit? Those OG's cost a bit ive noticed... they must be special lol. I wish Montana had more of an OG variety... were just not known for those strains... we have purps, blueberries of sorts, lots of different strains but not many OG's... some nice kushes however.

    Those shops can really put a dent in your wallet... my people never pay over 35-40/eighth from their caregiver... but my buddy sells me it for 45/eighth, 80-90/q depending on how he is feeling... not bad for now i guess... used to be 35-40 haha, i loved getting shop price (might be 40/eighth, 75/q now for patients... but used to be 35/eighth,70/q, and it's still 140/half oz and now 280/oz, when it used to be 250/oz...

    Quick Story from yesterday:
    His caregiver forgot to give him 4g for a 140/half oz (only had 10g)... she gave him a quarter within an hour or 2 after he had texted her, MK Ultra and Mental Floss. So yeah he got like 3g for free... lucky bastard. I wish i could be a patient... but the medical laws in Montana are fuckt! And it looks like most people's cards expire next year... i doubt some people i know will renew theirs if the laws are not that great. :(

    Sorry for ranting but shit you got some fireee... good hash too
  9. Thanks for the feedback Nadroj. Yeah, medicine can get pretty pricey. Most of the stuff I get is around 45-55 an eighth, and hash would be around 25-35 for a nice f/m, and 45-70 for some bho. That sucks that montana doesn't have many og strains, but I was looking through your pickup thread and i'd like to say thats some fireee also. If you send me a message with your favorite strain I'll try to find some top shelf of it and post it.

    Jilly Bean-(smells like trix cereal)


  10. Lol'd
  11. Picked up some hash an waxes

    Attached Files:

  12. nice stash :smoke:
  13. Thanks nate. heres a closeup on all of the hashes


    another version of xxx og from another dispensary-

    Sour OG FM-

    Platinum BHO-

    another version of platinum-

    Alien Dawg-

    gonna be making a witches brew with the remainder of the concenctrates.
  14. Tahoe Og-

    Nightwalker OG-

    Sour Diesel-
  15. All of it so fucking dank.:hello: Nice pickups man. :smoke:
  16. #17 Asianpeter4, Aug 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Thanks man, that's what I want to hear :).

    J-1. Featured in culture magaZine.-

    Black Label AK-47 Kush( ak47 x mk)

    Aabusive og-

    mystery hash-
  17. All looks tasty tasty. Niccce thread.
  18. looks like some nice abusive, where'd you pick that one up?

    And love the J1, one of my favorite sativas.
  19. yum! lots of good stuff in here.

    that sour og full melt looks amazing

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