
Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by smoky_toky, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. what would be a better ashcatcher?
    zob 8 arm
    or a toro circ
  2. I like Circ's better than arms.

    SO I would go with the Circ
  3. so the circ would diffuse better than the 8 arm
    what about a custom showerhead ashcatcher?
  4. A toro circ ac will put a ZOB to shame anyday.. The quality and functionality are amazing.

    But picking the right ac has a lot to do with your tube and the percs on it... I have a sg stemline with a toro ac. It is an amazing combo. Even though I hear the toro tree acs are better diffusion wise, the combo of the stemline and circ work the best for my tube.. So get the best ac for your tube.
  5. right now i only have a small hvy strait tube i got at a local shop
    but i plan to get a 9mm or 7mm us strait tube
  6. Toro hands down, really can't compete with them.
  7. The circ will probably diffuse more evenly.

  8. Well dude, there are better ways to spend your money than getting an ashcatcher.

    You can get a disc diffused carbon filter for 25 bucks.

    Carbon filters are better at filtering smoke than any form of water diffusion.

    And it will keep your pieces clean.

    The only draw back is that they are cheap, and dont cost alot of money.

    .............wait >.>
  9. well i plan on getting a custom worked carbon filter soon

  10. I like that idea better.

    If I ever can get the money for a DWB custom.

    I want it to have a 29mm sized joint so they can make a drop in carbon filter. So it doesnt get to long.

  11. im not to crazy about perks i like traditional straight tubes but i like that idea of the drop in carbon filter. he already does 18 to 14 drop in dry ashcatchers for the logic series. couldnt you put activated carbon in that.

  12. He stopped calling them carbon filters cuz they would get clogged easy.

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