Ash catcher fils bowl with water

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by dudeist420, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. #1 dudeist420, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    new to the forums here, but i've been to the shop several times.
    i recently bought an ash catcher and the past few times ive used it, after most hits, water backs up into the bowl. it also happens when i put my hand over the top to keep smoke in. i cant keep soaking my herb so if any of you have a better understanding of these things, your help would be appreciated.
  2. You'll probably have to post a video

    This may sound obvious but are you putting too much water in it? That can cause water to back up into your bowl

    Also is the ash catcher sitting at too sharp of an angle in your piece? If the downstem on the ashcatcher is at a sharp angle water can run up it easily when you quit hitting it

    It could also just be poorly designed
  3. I bought it from a Roor bong it was supposed to be attached to at a local headshop, and i was told it's a very nice piece.
    it's at about a 60 degree angle.
    any little bit of pressure directed into the bong seems to force water into the bowl.
    i understand thats supposed to happen, but this is excessive.

    basically, if i put enough water in for the catcher to bubble, it overflows. in order for it to not overflow, the water level isn't high enough to bubble.

    i can post a video if necessary, but i don't have my own camera so it would take a day or two.
  4. Just sounds like a poorly designed ashcatcher dude.
  5. Post a video when you can
  6. Sounds like maybe the downstem in the ashcatcher is too short but we'll be able to tell you for sure when you have a chance to get a video up

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