As my life has gotten better my music has gotten worse

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by I Love Drugs, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. I used to write songs about my depressed emotional state all the time, and they were ok in terms of quality.
    However, ever since the depression went away (incidently when i started using marijuana), my songs sound generic and hollow. I believe it may have something to do with the "not giving a shit about what some people think of me" that got rid of my depression, it has heighted my self esteem and improved my life, but it's also gotten rid of some of the emotional depth I experienced that I put into my music.
    I definatly think it's worth sacrifising my songwriting to be happy, but i definitely miss my favorite hobby.

    Has anyone else here experienced something similar to this? I mean you see it with musicians all the time, with their music losing value as their lives improve due to them becoming celebrities.
  2. I used to be a complete metalhead from age 16 on. That was my way of rebelling against my parents. Once I bought a guitar, I used it to write many a song that I thought were pretty damn good. But, once I met mj, I haven't written any metal since. I've been completely turned onto jazz bass (I picked up bass before guitar). Jazz to me, is about feeling the music, not listening. Maybe you should try different a different genre, or perhaps a new instrument? Percussion has also become a big part of me since discovering Lucy. Don't be afraid to expand your horizons, both with what you play and what you listen to.
  3. Are you a celebrity? My best music has been written while happy/high

    My most productive period was once when I was depressed though (wrote about an albums worth in about a month)
  4. Most of the best authors were total (depressed) alcoholics.
  5. Everything goes in cycles. Don't diss yourself. We all change over time, and inspiration changes with us. When we're young it's natural to be negative. I was. Experience tells me that you mellow with time. It's not a bad thing, and it's not that you experience more heart breaking events as you get older. It's more like you realize the everyday challenges and bullshit just aren't worth worrying about. I'm happy when I make it home alive after a day's work. You will find new inspirations. And when you feel comfortable with yourself new bullshit will present itself, but it bothers you less and less. Just like humans evolve, your taste for music, food, women, beer, cars, and muses will evolve.
    Keep on keeping on!

  6. I'm the same way, I used to play only Metal all the time. But when I started smoking full time I found I could no longer muster the negative energy to play or even listen to metal. These days I find myself playing a lot of blues rock and extended rolling jams. My playing has a much more dynamic, warm feel than it used to. I still listen to Maiden occasionally but thats more due to the epic factor than the angst.
  7. Welcome to Eminem's world.

    More he got wealthy and cured his drug abuse issues, the worse his music got.
  8. gotta find better things to write about.

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