As life goes on...

Discussion in 'General' started by daltonmc, Oct 24, 2011.

  1. More and more people you know end up dead. 4 years ago I couldn't think of anyone who I knew that died besides a grandma I don't remember. But now, in the past 2 years in order: an old teacher died, my friends cousin, my friend's dad, my grandpa, 4 of my friends, another teacher, my best friend's mom, my uncle.
    :( it's just sad that's all in 2 years, I should have at least 40 more years (Unless I end up in that list) to live and see people die. So many I probably won't even remember any of those previously mentioned.
  2. yeah its rough man. I haven't really had too many deaths in my family. I mean my great-grandmother died but she lived in florida and last time I saw her I was about 2. my 6th grade math/study hall/homeroom teacher committed suicide like 4 years back. That was pretty rough for me and a lot of the people that knew him.

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