Art Forum

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by EEIET, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Does anybody know any art forums similar to this mini forum where good artists post there work and get critiqued. thanks in advance

    It's a pretty popular site, in case you haven't heard of it
  3. i have not ill have to check this out:cool:
  4. WetCanvas

    it a big forum with lots of experienced artists. most of them have more traditional styles but they are an excellent source for most things art related.:smoke:
  5. is one that i used to go too- i'll tell you though they'll make your art look like shit. massive ego kill when i started going there- brilliant artists there man
  6. :)
  7. wow man you weren't kidding. those guys are fucking skilled.:eek:
  8. Awesome comments guys i like to get ideas from these sites as i do with this site

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