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arrested. will getting MMJ card help me?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by synix, Feb 9, 2011.

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  1. im 19 years old and i have a clean record prior to this but i just got arrested last week for possession and owi. my blood levels came back low and i didnt even have a gram on me. one of my friends at work who has his medical card said that if i get my medical card then by the time i get to my final court date, the judge would probably drop my possession charge if i have proof of a card or proof that i was trying to get one. does anyone know anything about this? anything helps, and the sooner the better. thanks in advance.
  2. It's not a get out of jail free card. You don't even mention that you have a qualifying condition.

    Is it possible, sure, but a judge is going to look at you, look at the date you got your recommendation (if you get one at all) and then slap a fine on you for trying to game the system.

    If you have a legitimate qualifying condition, then by all means get your recommendation, but really this isn't the type of thing we want being discussed on GrassCity.
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