Arizona Lawmakers Calling For 300% Medical Marijuana Tax

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Kogged, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. what the fuck!?
  2. It's not in the right direction. Do they do this to Alcohol? No. So why do it to another substance? Money Hungry Bitches.
  3. everyone is still getting pot illegally now so who is gonna actually pay to get ripped off legal. FUCK THAT
  4. Plus, I think if they do that, People will get robbed more. So in turn, it just fucks up more shit.
  5. It'll never happen. Once they realize they will only lose money because people will simply do what they've always done, buy their drugs on the black market, they'll back off that 300% and agree on a more realistic number.
  6. I can't afford the tax prices because i'm on disability. "That's all I got to say about thaaat"
  7. Is it just me or is this remeniscent of the old "stamp act"? It looks to me like they are trying to stop the sales of medical by making the cost so steep. This is a step in the WRONG direction.
  8. Not a step in the right direction. You can buy it, but it costs you too much to afford. Now, that's the American way. Fuck these bastards. I , for one, won't register until they get it right. Why should I...been growing for years with no problem, why should i let the Government rip me off once again? Phoenix is a pisshole.:mad:
  9. Actually, they do. ;)

    Alcohol & tobacco are often whacked with additional so-called "sin taxes". It's easy money, and the public does not often complain about new taxes on recreational goods - especially ones with proven negative health effects.

    The problem here is that MMJ is being viewed as something similar, in AZ - which totally overlooks the whole medical aspect of it. It should be getting the same reaction as if AZ suddenly decided to put a 300% tax on grandma's pharmaceuticals. No politician (wanting reelection) could get away with that!
  10. Send letters telling them to fuck off. They be taxing life.
  11. the whole point is the goverment wants it in a black market so thay can arrest us for some reson that i do not understand global slavery of potheads lol the us goverment need to make money but not taking steps to make the money if pot was legal we would be out of debt in like 10 years instead of like 50
  12. No, they just want to make more money that way, and since it's barely legal it's hard to argue.

  13. exactly
  14. fuck that. go put a 300% tax on coffee and cheeseburgers. coffee and cheese burgers are americas favorite drugs.
  15. haha yea exactly
  16. ^They do.

    In fact a lot more. Maybe not an official tax but you're charged like a thousand plus percent of what the companies pay for it.

  17. thats fucking ridiculous. christ
  18. Thats not a tax, thats the company making money - totally different, more of a supply/demand thing, NOT something that should be allowed with MEDICAL mj... I mean, no government fucks around with the prices of medication to get a bigger pay check, and if they did Im sure they would hear about it. I would think this is the same thing...

  19. Exactly people will just grow there own and smoke it legally :D

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