Okay i have a few questions.. After reading a few things about the extreme i think i have now chosen it over da buddha.. I read that the bag mouth pieces and whip mouth pieces will slide into an 18mm joint so there's no need to get a water pipe attachment is this true? I also read that not shutting off the fan can mess it up? I will be taking this vape to my friends house alot so i'm a little worried about breaking parts or is it a pretty solid vape? I'll most likely use the bags at my house and blow the vapor out the window since i still live with my rents. I may just have to buy a bag to carry my shit in but i haven't seen any i think all the parts would fit in from the extreme... How To Use The Extreme Vaporizer - Vaporpedia If i get the extreme i will definitely be buying some of those huge ass tokeez vape bags those are sick! I like the bag vape idea because i party alot and it seems like that way would be more efficient.. Does the vapor get stale? All help is appreciated.. It is definitely between da buddha and the extreme..
Vapor does get stale if you let it sit too long it. If you really want a bag vape..get the volcano or the ion. I highly suggest the DBV over the extreme. DBV is has tough aluminum housing, a more pure vapor path as in the air doesn't touch the electronics of the unit. Everything is easy to change and replace. The website offers a decent amount of customization.All units come with a 3 year warranty..pay $100 and get a 10 year warranty..pay $150 and get a lifetime warranty. to be honest i think you would be straight with the 3 year warranty i rarely hear of these bad boys breaking. You will get a lot more flavor out of a whip based vaporizer because of the vapor to air ratio, if you use a bag vaporizer that operates with a fan the air will be higher than the vapor. Also with bag sessions you will find yourself using a lot more bud than you would with a whip because the bag constantly blows hot air and with a whip you are in control of the draw speed and the temp and etc. The extreme does offer variety by being a bag vaporizer and a whip based vaporizer, but to me it doesn't look like it can take a hit. Some vaporizers aren't mean't to travel..parts may come lose..guts may break. Check out Fuckcombustion there are some really post heavy threads on both vaporizers. If you have enough time try and read all the pages. Its what i do before i purchase a vaporizer.
Vapor doesn't really even get stale,i have left my bags for hours on end and haven't noticed any difference
so you can't tell the difference between a fresh bag of vapor and an hour old bag? There is a HUGE difference,The smell, The taste, the appearance, the effect. I left a bag on my ion for about an hour. The vapor became clear, still smelled like vapor but the air to vapor ratio was too lopsided to even get a buzz from it.When you leave vapor in a bag for a long time it settles and collects on the bag.I prefer fresh vapor, fresh smoke, everything to be fresh, inhaling something thats stale is just stupid. Yes i did but only to see what would happened.
Well i think i've come to the conclusion to get da buddha because i will take it alot of places (mainly my buddies house) to vape out of his bong and such cuz he lives by his self and i live with my rents. But i also like the fact it comes with a bag to carry it in and it doesn't have as many parts... Would you guys recommend the mendo mulcher with da buddha? Cuz i've also thought about picking one up from there site since it has free shipping
What happens is from the second vapor enters the bag..condensation starts to occur and when that happens it collects on the bag..so your bag becomes sticky with resin.
Cool broscience I've left bags for long times just tastes like vapor just not as warm Get the extreme I've had mine over a year, it's still mint and functions perfect every time
Celsius.. But remember, different temperature = different high.. That's why I want something that will display the temperature in a clear way.. The display shows the temperature you set it to, and the temperature it currently has. I love it! Although if you really want the right temperature you should also let the glass bowl sit on the device for 10 minutes so it can heat up for a bit.. By the way, here is an informative thread about the influence of the temperature..
The only reason why i've considered the extreme is the bag feature.. I won't use the celsius temperatures because i'm from america and we use Fahrenheit.. I'm sure most people use celsius on there's so i'm sure not many people know the proper whip/bag temperature differences for fahrenheit... I'm more than likely buying da buddha next week over the extreme
Why does it matter about c and f?,the extreme has both,i think 350-410 f is where you would use it at
Get the Extreme you wont regret it dont get the da buddah my buddy has one and he likes it alot he wishs he had the money to buy the extreme.
How loud is the fan on it? I want it for stealth too because i still live with my parents and i figure using the bags in my room would be the best option for me... I'll more than likely place an order on those tokeez bags also so i'll have some extra ones... I'm also buying a smoke buddy so i mean with vapor and a smoke buddy i'm sure no smell will be left lingering..... Can someone please inform me the proper Fahrenheit temperatures to use for bags/whip/bong tokes? Also will the whip slide into an 18mm joint? That way i don't have to purchase an adapter... I read that it would somewhere on the internet but i thought i would double check
You can set the temperature to whatever you want, check the article on FuckCombustion I posted here earlier it also shows the temperatures in F.