Aren't we lucky hornets are so small?!

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by SP00NY, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Just think, we wouldn't even exist if hornets were as big as, like, a horse. They would have killed us thousands of years ago!

    [ame=]YouTube - 30 hornets vs. 30,000 bees[/ame]
  2. Yeah, that would suck

  3. hornets are badass. just from how they sound when they fly you know they're not to be fucked with
  4. I got stung by one of those bastards last year and it hurt so much worse than a bee sting! I hate hornets!
  5. Dude, you don't know the half of hornet attacks.

    This one time, one got up the leg of my shorts. It felt like I got stung once. I looked later, and it stung me like 12 - 14 times all up and down my inner thigh and behind my knee in less than a second. :(
  6. My first sting was at a church camp. We were at some military dorms or something and I skipped out on church to sleep. Low and behold, the big man sends one of these bastards and stings me on my stomach.
  7. It would be so freaking having hornets the size of humans. Imagine cockroaches!
  8. If it's got a stinger get it the fuck away from me
  9. Wasps and yellow jackets fuckin suck,swarms of em down here.
  10. #10 Jdahms, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    sounds like the OP just listened to joe rogan talk about these on his podcast and posted exactly what he said :rolleyes:

    heres a better quality video


    pretty weak ripping off someone elses idea word for word.
  11. #11 KingTut, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011

    I got stung by a fat wasp when I was like 7 and I've said a big fuck you to Flying Stingers ever since.
  12. those japanese hornets r soooo huge they can kill people
  13. #13 SP00NY, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    You listen too? It's such a funny podcast :hello:

    Good find on the video, by the way.

    EDIT: I just read what you put under the video. Not cool man, what he said got me thinking and I figured I'd share it with everybody on here. How do you think all of these conspiracy theory threads came on here? Did all of the blades think of them themselves or they got the idea from some kind of media, then posted it on here?
  14. #14 InsaneAss, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    I was swarmed by either wasps or hornets (not sure, I didn't take the time to ask them..) 2 years ago. And boy did it suck. I was walking through the woods next to a river while on a camping/canoing trip. We parked the canoes on the side and I was walking to the lunch spot up on some rocks.

    I got stung two or three times and went over to some area just out of the woods for a sec to get away. A minute or two later it seemed fine so I went back to my walk. That's when it really started to suck. Suddenly I was stung once, then again, and again so I just started running. It was a muddy, rocky "path" so it was pretty slippery, especially in my water shoes. You always wonder why you see people falling down as they run away in movies and think it seems unrealistic but that day proved me wrong.

    The bees were angry that day, my friends. Like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli. I keep getting stung as I'm falling a couple times and bashing my knees into the rocks in my panic mode. I was just trying to get away as fast as I could. Then it was like a scene out of a cartoon. I made it back to the river and just jumped in as fast I could and submerged myself. It was the only way I could get away from them. It's a damn good thing I'm not allergic or that could have been the end of me!

    (spot the hidden quote for bonus points!)
  15. I got attacked by a swarm of damn bees one time too. Me and my brother were playing in a shed where we kept hay for my rabbits when we were kids and some of those assholes built a hive in the hay and we pissed em off really good by jumping into the hay piles. Before we knew it we were under attack and went hauling ass out of there and got chased winnie the pooh style around the house to the back yard where my dad was. He threw us in the pool to save us from the ass load of bees that we had in tow and my poor dad got ripped up by them bastards in the process:(. We all got stung so many times we looked like we had the chicken pox, it sucked hard. dozens and dozens of bees stuck in ur hair and clothes is about as much fun as getting kicked in the nuts.

    To hell with bees and wasps and all flying stinging things:mad:

  16. nah youre right man. im just over sensitive in the morning.

  17. It's cool man. Do you listen to any other podcasts?
  18. one time this girl in class got stung by a spider in class......turns out she was allergic and the spider layed eggs in her leg:eek:
  19. #19 JohnnyWeedSeed, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    Heres some giant bees or hornets or whatever the hell they are from Thailand. They were about an inch and a quater long. These creatures built that thing right on the balcony of the hotel I was in and no one did a damn thing about it because they are considered good luck there. Well me and some other guys made a habit of pissing em off real good by blowing smoke at them and hitting them with bottle caps cus we were pretty drunk and thought it seemed like a good idea at the time. Probably not such a good idea thinking back on it. Yeah those bees are good luck untill we pissed em off and they see a person and think "oh, theres somebody, GET HIM!!!':D

  20. I felt like I was watching 300 all over again.

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