Are you the same age in the afterlife/heaven

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Novek, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. For example, when and old man dies and he goes to heaven or where ever, is he an old man forever, having to deal with all the ailments that are associated with aging or will he become perfectly healthy but just have alot of wrinkles and gray hair.

    Or when a baby dies, is it a baby for ever?
    Does it need someone to clean and feed it, or does it age, and if it ages, when does it stop, at 25yrs maybe?

    How does the whole age thing work?

    This is hypothetically speaking that there is a heaven or an afterlife
  2. if the afterlife exists you wouldnt have a body. I thought that was the whole idea of life after youre mind isnt confined to your body anymore

  3. Im kinda lost man. I think the whole afterlife/heavean thing is to do with your soul.

    Alright if you want to look at it that way, will a baby's soul always be a baby? It doeant

    know how to talk or walk, so how are its family members suppose to interact with it?

    Will it just be like maggie from the simpsons and never grow up?
  4. yeah thats what im saying man. your soul wont be confined to your body anymore so therefore has no age. the body is the aging carrying case. you would just be an energy

    but idk about this afterlife thing i just think it might be something created by humans to help us cope with the chance of there being nothing after death
  5. with that the thread shouldve ended imo.
  6. A friend from a local church said that they told him when he was 12 that when he goes to heaven he can choose which parent he lives with and what kind of clothes you wear.

    Yeah my view is "heaven" is bullshit. There is nothing beacause there is nothing to precieve when you die. You "lifeforce" or spirit or whatever might exist but it would precieve nothing, or everything, which would feel the same as precieving nothing, if you catch my drift.:D
  7. a better question to ask is "does your soul/spirit mature after you die?" I think this is the case becuase if heaven is static and unchanging, even in a state of pure bliss, the sameness would quickly turn it into a hell
  8. I dont think there is a "heaven" or "hell" either..just another mind manifesting trick. I think that there is something, just like a purgatory, not nesscesarily bad, just a stage in life where you are basically "done" with that life, time for the next embarkment so to speak. I really want to try dmt, and see a little glimpse, like they say.. but who knows right? Just live your life in this program by the moment, make the best out of it.
  9. In the afterlife, your physical body is comprised of only a single photon. ;)
  10. New Avatar. :eek:
  11. I wasn't too sure about it either.
  12. Because you don't have a physical body to perceive with?


    Because physical reality is the only thing to perceive?

    What is the reasoning behind you saying there is nothing to perceive after death?
  13. I would imagine he's saying your consciousness no longer resides in the mind you were experiencing perceptions with in this world.

    Catatonic victims with no brain activity = No consciousness = death basically, although the body is alive, the "person" is not. And thus perceptions from this world no longer influence that 'person' --wherever he/she may be. Perhaps engulfed in total darkness? Sweet dreams eh
  14. I dunno man i was pretty stoned.

    Mabye because you'd have no sensory organs to interpet information from the world around you. Just raw world information.

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