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Are you sure MJ isnt addictive?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by thezool, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. i know there isnt anything in MJ that makes it chemically addictive, but i think im mentally addicted, if only slightly!

    whenever i have no weed i feel really down because i know i cant get high when i like. if i get a good chance to get high, like a day off and i have no MJ, the entire day seems worthless and i usually just feel extremely bored wishing i was high. i also no longer enjoy jerking off unless im high.

    it just constantly feels like everything is so much better while high and being sober is suicide inducingly mind destroyingly boring.

    the biggest issue is i cant really afford to be buying 1/8ths every week! i wish i enjoyed being sober. :(
  2. Its not the Marijuana's fault though. Its more dependent on your personality as to whether or not you will feel the way you do.
  3. yeah i think i have that sort of personality. im a pretty unhappy guy so weed is like a self perscribed medicine to make me feel better.
  4. its habit forming, wouldtn say addicting.

    some people have addicting personalities though
  5. weed makes me happier and more peaceful overall.... but i'm happy sober too. seems like other issues are at stake for you. maybe it's self-medicating other stuff.... who knows. but it might be worth it to look into it by talking with someone. sounds like depression to me, but i don't know you. i think weed is best used when all other things in ilfe are in place and one is happy with life..... if it's being used to escape dreadful feelings, there's something wrong. no judgment whatsoever, just looking out for you.

    hope you find some insight. don't do anything rash. call a good friend and talk to them.
  6. Seriously sounds like you may have a mental dependency, which is bad with any substance. I'll agree with you, I am a lot happier stoned, but you may seriously want to check into rehab or something if it's that bad when you're sober. Given, I'm not a big fan of rehab for MJ because honestly most of the people there are because of court orders, but I think you may have a case where it would be in your best interest.
    Just my $.02 though.
  7. I've sorta been feeling the same way lately. weed helps me sleep, whenever I lie down for bed in a normal day thoughts race in my head and it sometimes takes me hours to go to sleep cause my mind wont stfu, then I'm like "damn it I need to smoke so i can sleep" then I don't do it because I don't want to gain a dependecny on it to be able to sleep properly, ya know?

    Find ways to talk yourself out of it and also try self-help therapy or see a therapist if you're unhappy.
  8. When you smoke too much, your body down-regulates the endocannabinoids it makes naturally... So yes, weed is mildly physically addicting. This has been proven. Those who argue the opposite haven't done enough research into it. A John's Hopkins University study shows that for SOME people, MJ withdrawal is just as bad as Nicotine withdrawal.
  9. thanks man and to everyone else who responded. im also on anti depressants for anxiety and depression. hopefully im not giving off too bad vibes haha when i said suicide inducingly i was just trying to get a point across. i dont mean i sit there SO bored that i contemplate suicide. but yeah i have help for my issues with a councellor so its all good. just i get so down and feel so empty when im sober. its like im only myself and truly happy when im high you know?

    i think i need a job to fund my weed instead of just using my student income haha.
  10. I know where you're coming from, I have anxiety myself, but you have to find something to take an interest in and focus on it, try not to focus on the negative thoughts, it's so hard, but you can do it, it just takes repetition. What I'm saying is to find a hobby other than weed and focus on it, gain a new skill you can use on a job or something.
  11. good thinking. i need some hobbies/new hobbies. what i do now is play games and watch films. its all good but has gotten a bit stale! modern warfare 2 isnt quite as fun when its all youve got to do. :rolleyes:
  12. #12 Plams, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010

    Well I know exactly what your feeling haha Well what I did in your case was.... Switch to schwag, it's cheaper, and sucks balls but unless your smoking kush or something then don't worry about it. Start lowering your doses of marijuana every day and then one day go to chron, you will be verry happy with that first day :smoking: I know I was haha Anyways dude good luck

    Or if you have to just quit for a while and then start up again it's always good to get high after your tolerance fades away some. If you have xbl Add me haha My Gt: Chuk Iz Str8
  13. CoD sucks anyway, go play TF2.

    You could always start a blog reviewing movies...
  14. i been smoking pot for 11 years now everyday and i thought i could never quit but i caught a case and i had to quit for 3 months and i quit cold turkey and didnt smoke for 3 months after i been smoking all my life. It sucked ya but actually it wasnt as bad as u guys think it was, just kept my self busy to npot think about it.

    so i say no its not addictive.
  15. sounds good man, id just wanna smoke chron all the time screw schwag! see what you mean though, its like eating the pees before the meat. :D

    yea CoD is annoying. its so random feels like theres no skill. anyone can throw grenades in random directions and hope to get kills. it encourages it!

    TF2 requires too much thinking for me haha, i just wanna hop into a game and have fun, i hate bothering with tactics and classes and that. im so lazy. :p

    i kinda already have a blog for college. feels like a chore though.

    im impossible to please. :rolleyes:

  16. easy for you! i havent toked for a few days now and it sucks. im completely broke so i cant even afford a tiny ass bag of weed dammit.
  17. hahaha, easiest position on TF2 is engineer...set up a turret in the right spot and lvl 3 it, you'll be good...unless a spy comes around and fucks your shit up and stabs you LOL.
  18. not a fan of engi! i get soo impatient sitting around behind the turret mashing it with the wrench. i usually play soldier or pyro and get stuck in! end up with most deaths usually. :p i might give it another go sometime. you got it on steam?
  19. I gradually started smoking more frequently from the time I started (up to everyday at one point), but I decided to give myself a short T-break until my birthday and have had no issues thus far. I'm not addicted by any means, but I suppose it can be habit forming.

    One another note, my birthday is Thursday. I'ma smoke a blunt all to myself and have an adventure.
  20. I like engineer because when I played CS:S I was a massive camper with an AWP and SMG LOL.

    engie and sniper (if I work on my skills with it) are my fave classes. yes i has on steemz0rz

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