background:i like to smoke a little tabacco when im high it makes me extremely chill, i just smoked a swisher and i swear it hit so harsh i thought you werent supposed to inhale.
You smoke cigars for the taste.just hold the smoke in your mouth.Dont inhale that stuffs terrible for you.If theres weed in it dont waste the weed though.
some what of a hit if your talking about smoking straight swisher (no bud in it) smoke it like a cigar, take good slow hits, dont inhale like cigarettes. Personally i prefer cigarettes, some people hate em
why would you do that??? terrible idea, plz dont, cuz theres only one place for the tobacco in swishers and thats the trash can.
Cigars are worse for you then cigarettes. Enjoy your throat cancer for smoking that swisher like a pro.
Cigars have a much higher alkaline content than nicotine, whereas cigarettes have much more nicotine than alkaline. Alkaline is the stuff that makes cigars more harsh to hit than cigarettes. Cigarettes are made to be inhaled, cigars aren't.
i use swisher tobacco or any other blunt tobacco as a mixer when i roll spliffs. a nice grape taste to mix with the pot and i don't have to waste a cig by gutting it for a spliff
Not all of the bad stuff... but it definitely makes a difference in some regards. Have you ever smoked a non-filtered cigarette opposed to a filtered cigarette. Hahaha
lol def not a uk thing. its a everywhere type thing and LOL i dont think the occasional tobacco in swishers will do ANYTHING more significant then ciggarrettes (not@chronicsmokeyaz)
they aren't very common here at all. i actually picked up the habit in amsterdam and continued to do it here cause i enjoy joints a lot, and rolling a joint isn't necessary for just myself, so i mix it with some tobacco so i don't have to use more herb than necessary. and i suck at rolling pinners, lol i also just enjoy the flavor too, but i do smoke cigarettes as well, so that could be a factor to enjoying the flavor
yeah i live in indiana and i roll spliffs on the regular. half the time, people dunno wtf i'm talkin about though. and if they do, i probably introduced them to smoking spliffs in the first place, lol. so who knows.