Are you smart enough to be a CEO

Discussion in 'General' started by FUMANCU, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. So I sitting here bored.Smoking a J so it pot related. Heres a question from a CEO exam can you answer it.

    If a bear and gorilla got in to a fight who would win.

    First hint. the answer is not bear or gorilla.
  2. Chuck Norris would win... duh...
  3. who would win?

    why the person selling admission to the fight, of course.
  4. I wouldn't want to be CEO of a company asking questions like that unless it was for a zoo.
  5. bear


    no wait, bear.
  6. Its how well you can figure out stuff

    Look at the big picture
  7. The spectators would win cause it would be a bangin fight
  8. if your talking about who would win the fight, and the fight is between the bear and the gorilla, then I'm gonna go with the bear. Especially if it's a polar bear lol.
  9. I'm not sure lol, i'm going to go with neither because fighting wont solve shit.

    Edit: lol@redbar rep.
  10. oops double post.
  11. Neither, moments before the fight begins the bear and gorilla settle their differences by smoking a super sized blunt.
  12. answer not bear or gorrila.
  13. I am sure the person selling tickets to the fight is the winner.
  14. So i got it right?
  15. those two animals live in different continents
  16. Thats not the question
  17. what about wolves

    I think a bad ass wolf could take a gorilla
  18. Hell, I'm smarter than George Bush, I'm smart enough to be a President. :rolleyes:
  19. A Grizzly Bear at full size is four times as heavy and twice as fast as Gorilla at full size (their size and age go in par, so they would both be about the same age at their prime); The Bear would maul this Gorilla. The Gorilla is known for it's super strength, being so many times stronger than Human, however, you never hear how a Bear is just as strong, and is much faster than the Gorilla.
  20. even though it's not the point of the question, a bear would definitely fuck up any gorilla, even if it was in like the gorilla's home town in africa.



    it wouldn't even be close

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