Are you satisfied with America?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by GreenRangerFOH, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. I agree - hate the gov't love the country
    lol unfortunately corruption runs rampant in this country
  2. I can't decide who's shittyer Obama Romney or Bush lmao
  3. [quote name='"Heffer420"']

    Agreed. I love the USA I wouldn't want to be any where else. I'm just tired of the political Republican/Democrat bullshit. I'm tired of their being a new law about what you can't do. America turned into a country run by buisnessmen. I avoid he news a lot I just read up in what's going on in my community. It keeps me leveled and its really what's relevant to me. Fuck mitt Romney and fuck Obama I want someone wwho's gonna challenge everyone and speak his mind.[/quote]

    Then you should take a moment and do some research. The libertarian party is the only third-party on every ballot in every state. Gary Johnson will end the war on drugs and put this country back on track. Spread the word. Seems like people just don't even know there is another option.

    Liberty will save America.
  4. [ame=]George Carlin - "I Gave Up On My Species" - We Are Circling The Dain - YouTube[/ame]

    Circling the drain
  5. Yeah...

    Even in a recession we have a higher standard of living than almost everyone in the world.

    Things are a little less FUCKING AWESOME. To me thats not a reason to complain.
  6. #46 Dissec, Aug 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2012
    You're right, fixing America's problems are that simple. Its not something for one person, it takes a nation to fix a nation's problems.

    First, people like you need to be convinced that they shouldn't be satisfied with America in its current state. There has to be enough people in support of a change for there to be a change, not a simple majority either for a change this massive.

    I don't see how anyone could be satisfied with a state that sells guns to Mexican drug cartels, or any of the other shitty things our government has done, or continues to do.

    Even if you're fine with us selling weapons to cartels and regimes that employ children as soldiers, do you agree with our current political system? We only have 2 parties here, if there is one thing about Europe I like its that they have multiple parties. Our current voting system could be better, and that is with our current technology used for votes. [Link explains plurality voting vs. IRV vs. approval voting]
  7. every country has its fair share of problems.

    We just whine about ours more.

  8. Yeah God forbid we did both.

    That would be cray.
  9. Dude if people are unhappy here then they're unhappy. Why do you think people fed up with America only have the option of moving to a third world country? TBH even moving to a third world country is next to impossible unless you have mad credentials; nobody wants us.
  10. I bet those people are like twice as happy as Americans.
  11. [quote name='"welker 420"']Lmao no you wouldn't[/quote]

    And I assume you know me, I don't know about you but I wasn't born in the good ol us of a, my father brought me here, so I'm used to getting up in the morning and going to catch water at the well, or walking a mile or two to get to a destination, its not all whoa is me ,I wish I had it easier as everyone makes it seem, just because your lifestyle Is so much more simpler doesn't mean everyone's envies it or is clamoring to come to America, people come to this country because its advertised as this Magical place where you can go and all your dreams come true with a bit of hardwork :-/. Its not all bad but its not all great As everyone makes it out, and yes I will be leaving so I can raise my son elsewhere so he doesn't grow up like some of these Whiney self centered have it all kids, that don't appreciate shit because they have too much. Can't decide what to eat tonight, well of course u don't u have TOO FCKNG much .....ahh I'm done ranting
  12. [quote name='"camram"']

    I bet those people are like twice as happy as Americans.[/quote]

    Exactly, people seem to think because others live much more simple lives, that their lives are much harder and less enjoyable, meanwhile they don't have to worry about working to pay off a house they don't even own plus the two cars, insurance, yada yada, of course there are refugees and such that had to flee to America amongst other countries because of the trials and tribulations they were facing, but that in no way sums it up for everyone.

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