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Are you really as high as you think you are?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Bobias, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. People come on here all the time and start threads and post about different smoking methods getting you higher than other method. Then people get on here and bash that person because in there opinion it doesnt get you higher. Some people will say mids get them higher and some people say that resin gets them higher, but the point is that no one can really tell you that you arent as high as the person who smokes a different method. For example, I prefer bowls and pieces cause IMO they get me way higher than joints or blunts. Three hard hits of a joint arent going to get me as high as one giant bong rip. Then people will get on here and swear that smoking joints and blunt get them way higher than smoking from pieces. I just can't stand it when people get on here and bash people about how high they are cause as far as i know there is no THC breathalyzer so who are you to say how high that person is. Sorry about the rambling just needed to get this off my chest.
  2. The high is really dependant on how much cannaboids enter your bloodstream. It doesn't matter if you smoke from a joint, a vape or a bong. If you smoke 2 one gram joints, you will obviously be higher than 1 bong rip, unless your bong is a 5 footer. :p
  3. only read the title...
    im higher than i think i am.:smoke:
  4. I understand that but my point is that you if you were to smoke two equal amount but with two completely different methods(Bong vs. Blunt) you would feel high but you might feel higher from smoking one of the ways. If you feel higher from smoking one way then how can people tell you wether you are higher or not. IMO the level of highness is completely up to the user so how can you compare two different highs?
  5. Your definition of being high comes from your perception of the experience of being high. Therefore, it's impossible to really know how high someone is, because they're the only one experiencing what they're experiencing. And yes i'm high
  6. Oh yeah well I don't think anybody actually gets high they just use marijuana as an excuse to act different!

  7. im high to and i know EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEAN :smoke::smoke:
  8. I'm liking this thread, considering I have to deal with the same shit around here. I have to say nobody really knows who is higher than another. But when it comes down to the quality of your high, it depends on what you are using. I prefer pieces over paper. It is cleaner and more effective IMO. A lot of people will back me up there but there's always those ignorant people that says "Blunts are awesome! They get you wrecked!!!" Yeah, I get your point that a bunch of tree in a blunt will get you high. But try putting a bunch of tree into a bong, then tell me how you feel.

  9. yeah your right. everyone just a fucking liar. :eek:
  10. It all gets you high.
  11. Most of this shit is in your head. It's all science. You can BELIEVE that your piece gets you higher than a joint, but it doesn't matter. Burning cannabis and inhaling the smoke/vapor causes the 'high'. The level of the high depends on the type of marijuana and how much got into your bloodstream, that's it.
  12. Not true, some people are more resilient to getting high than others.

    For example, I took a 6 month break from smoking and when I decided to start again I had a friend join me who hadn't smoked in about 8 months. I take two hits off a pipe and I'm too high to stand in the shade.

    My friend takes twenty five and tells me he's "kinda" feeling it.

    Not to mention that everybody has a different high. It's impossible to put people on a scale of how high they are.
  13. like the guy 2 post above its science in genral vapes will get you more high than smoking becuse you are getting almost 100% thc instead of all the canabanoids you get when you smoke hence the better cleaner high smoking makes you slugish and part of the high is the smoke entering your lungs example of vapes getting you higher i have some avb already vaped bud from my old vapor genie i am dry atm so i was smoking ti from my bong and i was ;like wow i am not getting high at all then im like ill just re vape some with my new mflb so i did and now im stoned lol
  14. im SUPER high now from a bunch of Bong rips..celebratin the super bowl......LoL SUPER makes me think of some huge ass 3g sized bowl or sumthing.........
  15. I call foul sir :smoke:
  16. like the guy above i can not belive in what you are saying becuse when you take a t break it cleans your brain of tolerance depends on how long the t brake is and how much he smokes in a day its hard lots of variables in this i keep my tolence down i only buy an 8th every 2 weeks or a quad of mids ever 2 weeks but now im vaping again so a 8th of dank lasts me like 3 weeks vaping

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