are you high?

Discussion in 'General' started by Know, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. been wondering lately how many people are high when they get on grasscity. personally i only get on when im baked. be honest dudes. are you high?
  2. yeah im pretty high
  3. Nop, since new years...
  4. I'm about two seconds away from packing the vape.
  5. yes i'm stoned like a bat riding a rollercoaster eating popcorn who lost his glasses on the ride and can only see in 2d so i'm practically playing pacman
  6. Nope, smoked my stash up two days ago. I feel it's taking forever to write something when your high, so usually i just keep em short:smoke:

  7. Yeah I think this guy might be high?
  8. im on a break till friday.

    its mangos
    then bud

    i figured id try the whole mango thing
    in the hope that my mind will be blown.
  9. I keep a strong buzz going through out the day. Still able to function perfectly, I just act a little more enthusiastic lol
  10. Not high at the moment. I'll probably toke in an hour or two.
  11. dude i wasn't high, but then i read this poll and decided to smoke just so i could vote yes now im ripped
  12. yep im stoned
  13. No, but I had a glass or three of wine.
  14. Im not not high.
  15. its upsetting to see less than 50%. i wish i could send you some bud:smoke:
  16. Chillum in hand...
    One bowl left...
    I'm good. :)
  17. I'm higher than alien vagina.

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