are you having fun yet?

Discussion in 'General' started by MattSKAA, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. out of all the questions i get asked in a day i hate this one the most. this might be a bit of a stupid question but i do need some help here bec i get asked this question anywhere from 1 - 5 times a day and i dont know how to answer it. usally ill just say "no" and keep walking bec its the truth i hate my job. so what would you say or what do you say when asked...
  2. Some context would be nice.
  3. Just say "not as much fun as I'd be having slobbering all over your sister's juicy clit." That should do the trick, context shlomtext
  4. that may just do the trick.
  5. This ain't no Dr. Phil

  6. lol reps

    yeah, or "mondays. am I right?" are correct.

    usually I act sarcastically jovial and bubbley when asked that question.

    wtf is happening to my the fuck do I spell bubbly? bubbely? bubbley? fuck.
  7. "Does it look like I'm having fun, asshole?"

    Followed by a jerk-off motion.
  8. Tell em not as fun as their gf was last night.
  9. [ame=]YouTube - Party Down - Are We Having Fun Yet?[/ame]

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