Neither as well. I'm just an asshole. Period. Bitch. Not really, I'm lovely. Would anyone like a hug from 2Pac?
i have nothing to say it feels so shitty. i need a mans man to write my jokes. i am at that level btwftwusa. fuck you the world is sketchy im the only normal one. fucking talk to each other like gods would figure out your problems together grow the fuck up. understand life just don't take it for granted if your well liked, get the picture don't coast without knowing what the waves are made of. make a theory that's based on your own discernment. stop being dicks guys if you don't smarten up im going to circumsize you. i love the jews. and i believe your tupac, it's time dude
i have nothing to say it feels so shitty. i need a mans man to write my jokes. i am at that level btwftwusa. fuck you the world is sketchy im the only normal one. fucking talk to each other like gods would figure out your problems together grow the fuck up. understand life just don't take it for granted if your well liked, get the picture don't coast without knowing what the waves are made of. make a theory that's based on your own discernment. stop being dicks guys if you don't smarten up im going to circumsize you. i love the jews. and i believe your tupac, it's time dude. now im scared