Are you a drug?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by bkadoctaj, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. Does marijuana use you to transmit information? I don't know about you, but it seems to me that Grasscity serves as a pretty good advocate for increasing the usage of marijuana globally for a couple of reasons.

    1) Many users post while under the influence of marijuana, which means that they are experiencing a higher vibrational frequency while reading and writing posts, and this in turn suggests that discussions on the forum generally have a fundamentally different nature than typical online message board posts. This is a weed forum (the Internet's current largest) and that means that a greater concentration of high experience occurs on these boards than virtually anywhere else on the Internet. The point I'm striving for here is that people on this forum are mostly chill, cooperative, responsible, and respectful individuals from all walks of life and all different places. In other words, Grasscity is a case study in high interaction on a very large and mostly free scale (thanks to the Internet being highly unregulated).

    2) The forum serves as a bastion of concentrated knowledge AND EXPERIENCE of marijuana usage. I don't know about everyone else, but when I search for specific information about marijuana (or even certain other substances) on Google, often I find the second or third results to be Grasscity. We have pictures galore, links galore, and live correspondence galore.

    3) Speculation: if you were the essence of weed and you had a (collective) consciousness (say encoded or referenced in your DNA), and you wanted to spread your influence on the cosmos, wouldn't you try to connect with the minds of human beings who seem to be fascinated with expansion, transformation, and evolution? Not only can humans think about and talk effectively about such concepts, humans can work together to practically apply them to real-life defined goals. Grasscity also has a large concentration of younger minds a.k.a. the future of humanity.

    4) More speculation: Clearly, humans have had an imbalance in their thinking over the past few centuries of Euro-dominance in which rationality has overtaken intuition. Ever wonder why creativity and initiative are such luminous pearls in a world of Enlightenment? Marijuana nurtures the human right brain, and thus comes into conflict with left-brain laws, insecurities, and doubts. Perfect place to start a bottom-up post-modern-ish green revolution, in my largely weed-nurtured opinion.

    What do you guys think? Could Grasscity be the clever process resulting from weed's cosmic consciousness or am I just sounding high even when I haven't smoked yet today?
  2. haha that was awesome.
    makes sense..
  3. I've had the (dis)pleasure of seeing quite a few web forums in my time, and nothing has been remotely like GC - especially considering the size and number of posters.

    There is definitely something of interest in that.
  4. 4) i guess the truth in that depends largely on the tracks layed in the linear thinker within (left brain). some tracks are more allowing and accomodating of the more omni-approach (predominantly the right hemisphere's area of expertise).

    i used to see cannabis as just the best means of attaining equalibrium and balance... but you've got me re-assesing this. perhaps it is more to do with "the right brain", since it has that broad view, so often locked in subconscious, unable to fix all that it can see as wrong from the nonstop trundling bumblings of the left hemisphere's onward march chatter.

    but as for what u say of this forum... wow. thats some eye opening perspectives.... if perhaps a little agrandising. ;p

    oh one last thing....

    are you mexican?
    because if not, could you choose to call it something else? (sounds like a strange request, i know)

    to be english spoken, and call cannabis/hemp "marijuana", to me, it just smacks of taking it up the ass from the DEA, anslinger, hearst, dupont and so on. sure that word may have naturally trickled into our language along with the mexican herb, but it was made widely known by and for, the prohibitionist movement.
    that word has more dirt attached to it than any other term for the herb.
  5. Unfortunately, however inglorious and distasteful the etymology of the word may be, it is pretty much accepted common usage. Especially in the US. Heck, it's even at the top of this page :).

    I personally prefer cannabis, herb, ganja or simply 'smoke'.
  6. that makes sense.
    right now, we're in process of evolution, entering a new age. people are starting getting more friendly then before. i think marijuana helping us out thinking about philosophy,opening our minds/altering our minds and making us think there is so many ways we change to make a better world...

    when i'm high, i'm never really on internet. i like do things when i'm high then just typing here on forums. i'm here cause i'm bored, expanding my mind, talk about issues, and think things that are bizzare! like u ;)
  7. Hell ya baby, I'm every womans heroine.
  8. I doubt a plant would evolve to be more likely to be killed and burned for some other being's peace of mind.

    I think this site and our love of cannabis is a product of the human collective.
  9. #9 Key2gb, Nov 27, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2008
    makes perfect sense

    if i understood correctly it's that, since being under the influence is in a sense being the drug (I'm sure you've heard the addiction phrase, when you're dealing with an addict you're not dealing with the person, but the drug itself), when you are on the drug, it is the vibrations of that drug reverberating through you into the universe...since we are aware of consciousness, and this drug is of course part of the collective consciousness, as is every atom, quark, gluon, and whatever smaller stuff we haven't found yet, we are essentially a medium for which the drug's part of the 'whole' can be expressed (just as humans individually express part of the whole while also being the same)

    it dont necessarily think it uses us but i think it's another way for us to access a different energy...another connection to the source or whatever

    it's funny you mention right vs. left brain because i just watched the "Stroke of Insight" TED Talk about 2 hours ago

    our world has fostered left brain function like you stated...left brain is the facts...left brain is the past and the future..left brain is the voice in your head, while right brain is the here and now...

    we have lost touch with the here and now, but not completely...the universe is as much science as it is music...balance is the key

    i disagree with you in saying this is the largest concentration of high experience on the may be giving GC a run for its money
  10. ha If you read the OP you'd see it's not just about "peace of mind" but rather a "piece of Mind". Anyway, you stress "our love of", I'd say us "in love with" cannabis. It's reciprocal and for good reason. Look at the joy humans get from weed's sacrifice. If humans knew they could cause anything such joy through some type of sacrifice, wouldn't they be more inclined to make it?

    Personally, I find marijuana to be a beautiful word, regardless of its "true" origin. Words don't bother me, it's just their ideas at times that get to me. Which I suppose you meant, right?
  11. Honestly, I very nearly said "piece of mind" in my post instead of "peace of mind." Reckon I should have. :)

    We maybe more inclined to make it... we may not mind if the whole of our lives served such a purpose, but I doubt we'd want to be cut down in our prime. I think specific frequencies look after similar frequencies... we'd sacrifice ourselves for ourselves, but the "Gods" can deal with their problems on their own. :p

    I think there is more to the life of cannabis than THC and it's possible interactions with humans.
  12. The original post doesn't make much sense.

    I mean real sense.
  13. Feel free to elaborate. We S&Pers love lengthy discussion.

  14. I mean everything you tried to describe in your original post is...

    Bullshit, for lack of a better word.

    How about you elaborate and explain the science behind what you're trying to say? :smoke:

  15. Makes sense to me, you a lefty?

  16. A lefty? You mean on the political spectrum or hands?

    I'm right handed, and I lean more left than right politcally. I don't affiliate myself with any particular political party.

    I'm also a realist. None of this makes any sense, it's simply fantastical thoughts that don't really matter.
  17. Dude, what did you even say... I'm sorry, but like half of that doesn't make sense, and the other half seems wrong... like the explanations I mean, I agree with your statements about the GC community.

    Maybe it's just cause I'm sober... Altho after the amount of food I just consumed, I feel more than a bit altered.... (We better outlaw turkey now, it has mind altering powers... oh, so does oxygen, shit...)
  18. Wait - so your theory is that everyone who smokes marijuana gains a connected consciousness with each other?

    Sorry but that's ridiculous.
    Everyone experiences different highs.
    The only real connection stoners all can share is a relaxed nature while high.

    Everything else is derived from a person's own mind.
  19. But no matter, because science can't explain itself.

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