Are we really ever free?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by esseff, Jan 23, 2012.

  1. This world we live in appears full of limitation. It is like this because we don't really see it for what it is.

    But whatever way we do see it, it is only temporary, and open to changing at any moment. To what extent this is understood and experienced, depends largely on who you are and how you look.

    People usually believe that in order to clear out old, limiting beliefs systems, they have to go down into the subconscious and find them. This action of going down tends to lower the vibration and it's not so easy. There is a fundamental mistake going on here. You do not need to go down into yourself to find your beliefs, you need to raise your vibration and go up to them.

    You hold different beliefs, even beliefs that don't work for you, and which came into existence without you choosing them. These beliefs appeared when you were young, coming through friends or family, teachers, anyone you see as having authority, who made you feel that what they think or feel about something, was the right way to do so. This creates the belief that they are always right even when you might feel otherwise. Doing so, quickly stops you feeling otherwise, as there's no point channeling your energy in a way you don't prefer. There's no other perspective but the belief, and everything is now seen through it.

    They probably didn't realise they were limiting you in doing this, as their intention did come from love originally, even if ended up twisted along the way. But in making you believe in something outside yourself this way, limit you they did. You accepted this 'truth' or way of seeing things as true for you, and that created a belief that stands in front of whatever you might really think or feel. Always influencing, always colouring, whatever you experience. Changing you, affecting you, holding you back, because it is a belief system that is not yours. You didn't come to choose it through your own experience, you had it imposed on you through the misunderstanding of someone elses. In having to deal with belief systems like this that are not our own, we come to believe something we're not supposed to - that there's nothing to be gained from believing in something you think could be true even though there's no proof.

    We change our beliefs a lot as we grow, depending on what we think represents whatever seems to be the clearest thing that matters at the time. Having a belief about anything always makes it have a say in what you do. It is the filter you pass things through before they go out into the world, or before they're let in. So if it feels real, as all beliefs do by definition, and therefore colours what you see and experience, then until it no longer does, no matter how hard you try and look, you will never see outside it, for it is at the edge of the box, and you are always within.

    If there was a way to step outside the box and get a glimpse of things you don't normally see, you might be able to feel this. We're lucky in that we can do this when we take certain plants or engage in certain physical activities. Going outside yourself through plant consumption is what most people choose to experience here though. And, through intentional reflection, you can come to recognise the beliefs you have while looking from the level they reside in.

    Things will appear, as you reflect upon your life, as if through the eyes of the director, rather than the original actor. This detachment allows for a more objective viewing, and where any belief system in play can be seen and examined for its effectiveness. Defunct ideas are simply felt like they're no longer needed. Other ideas appear or come forward once they go.

    The ones that don't work can be let go of once they come into consciousness, but the new ones that appear, or the ones that pop back, are not always so easy to replace them with. Many of these beliefs systems were also keeping certain ideas away from you. Now you're able to consider them without feeling like you must accept them, fear them, run away from them, etc. They just feel new for you that's all. You can now allow, in a way skeptics understand, any idea to exist, and you simply watch whether the idea means something to you, makes things better. If it does, and as long as it does, it stays. But should it ever no longer feel that way, it's let go of, completely, without even trying. It was only ever an opportunity, a step in the right direction. You now need something else, something to replace the old vibration with that works for you. Something that feels exciting, interesting, even if prior to this it had been rejected as having no validity. Understanding that these ideas only need to work for you. They can't work for others in the same way, they're on their own journey. They will one day choose to accept an idea that they like the sound of, and be able to allow the fundamental truth behind all such ideas to reveal itself according to their own understanding.

    This will do so for it cannot do otherwise. The universe operates in this way. What you put out is what you get back. The world we experience is simply a projection, a play, a focus of attention, while you have the experiences you're having in it. The important ones, the ones that make you notice yourself, change things, happen at different points in life, unexpectedly. They are the opportunities to change frequency; transition points, and only come, and are only seen, if you're ready to do so. And if you've been letting go of old beliefs systems, you not only see them for what they are, but are able to step in smoothly, without any old belief system getting in the way.
  2. good read and agreed

    i still don't feel free to use Godjah though, even if i have lots.

    spent alot of time in juvy, inpatient facilities, etc. for my use of nightmarijuana

    id say that we all lack the most basic freedom of all: the freedom to grow

    How can i cultivate an identity when the foundations of my bloodline are banished?

    again, good read...had me antsy
  3. Don't really know what to say besides good post.

    A series of events that we have no control over, and the freedom to choose what we want to do during.

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