Looking for opinions. I was hoping to harvest late so more THC can convert to CBN for a more mellow sleepy high. Thanks in advance.
Ya gotta check the trichomes regularly. Daily. Most growers let them turn all cloudy with some becoming amber. The more amber the more mellow sleepy high. You are way off. Weeks even. The pistils are still white and actively looking for pollen. They need to start turning color and recede. Get a jewelers loupe so you can closely inspect those trichomes. They are looking good. Keep up the good work.
You have at least 2 weeks until it'll even be ready to harvest let alone go late Robs New Journal RQS SQ#1 Clones
Thanks for the advice everyone. Just got worried about all the leaves turning yellow and all fan leaves are gone. I've done a couple grows in the past and it was very different. Most fan leaves were there and minimal yellowing of leaves on buds. I guess its a different strain so just wanted to make sure.
2x2 by 5 foot tall tent 2 lights: Viparspectra 300 and Apollo Horticulture 180 UFO Nutes: currently just Molassess and Big Bloom, stopped tiger bloom already, but I wonder if I could feed one more time since everyone thinks I have a couple more weeks. Container:5 gallon root pouch Soil: Ocean forest and Happy frog mix
Looks like mabey a tad bit of time left What's the strain? Boom4200 winter spring grow journal Boom4200 winter spring grow journal
Just read that if all fan leaves are gone and sugar leaves are mostly getting yellow you might need to harvest. Opinion???
I'll let it go a little longer two weeks but I would check daily also Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Ya gotta check the trichomes regularly. Daily.<br />Most growers let them turn all cloudy with some becoming amber. The more amber the more mellow sleepy high.<br />You are way off. Weeks even. The pistils are still white and actively looking for pollen. They need to start turning color and recede. Get a jewelers loupe so you can closely inspect those trichomes.<br />They are looking good. Keep up the good work. Perfect advice. Also known as an eye loom.. yes watch for the trichomes to get cloudy. Amber is too late. Looking very good! Sent from my SM-S120VL using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Idk if any one will hate on me for this but i would take off that big yellow fan leaf lol. OCD a little mabey Sent from my SM-S120VL using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Uvb is a part of natural light that its harmful. When the plants exposed it protects itself by producing more resins and trichomes it will help with density and weight