Hello forum, I have three plants in the ground, one planted Feb. And the other two in March, all from seed. Now I'm starting to see white hairs and the tops are rising out of the canopy. Does that mean they are about to flower? If so will they revert back to veg? I'm in southern ca. and they pretty much get sun all day long.
White hairs, colas rising.... yup, get ready! I have NO idea about that kind of heat; someone who does will come along.
It's to big for this point in the year. LMAO. Well done. Is there a back porch light that shines on it at night? Usually a Feb or March planted seed gets 12 inches tall and flowers as a basketball sized bush. Seeds can be started here in So Cal May first and it'll veg till Aug 1st when the days shorten enough to flower. Really just June and July veg here. Now if the plant gets light more then say 3x what the moon puts out it'll keep the plant in an awake state and it'll keep vegging indefinitely. Just let it ride now. Get it wrapped in supports while you still can and it'll do what it will. I'm near the beach and we still haven't had a hot day yet. WTF? BNW
About 1/3 of it tried to flower in late March then started vegging again. At night it gets total darkness,I can't even see the plants. The days haven't been hot until now but it's been getting a steady dose of sun all day. All I've been using is fresh rabbit droppings and molasses sparingly. When you say wrapped in supports what exactly do you mean? Thanks for the help.