Are these ok?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by tez7475, May 21, 2017.

  1. They look okay to me.

    Why do you ask?
  2. They look sad. I mean the emotion ;) That's in coco?
  3. Leaves look droopy
  4. What's the medium? Based on the plant and container size they look over watered.
  5. Agree look over watered
    Other than that look fine

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  6. Over watered. A MJ plant droops when it's too dry and too wet. Get yourself a better grow media. When you start a little plant in a huge container of soil it takes it a lot longer to get rooted in and back to growing at a good rate. Just have to be patient and NEVER EVER EVER put more water into your plant until you can lift the container it's growing in and feel NO weight. They need that dry cycle to keep them healthy. If you feel any weight, that's the moisture still left in the soil. If that's Coco you're using...toss it. That's more for the hydro people in my opinion. TWW
  7. Yes toss it and start over if it's coco because I grow in soil and any other form of growing is wrong. WTF. Meanwhile - she yields 10 oz. per 1000watts of hps light. Not exactly a glowing reason to follow her advice.
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  8. Looks great.
    Defiantly over potted.. which causes watering easy to over do. Water less frequently let those plants go dry. Water again :I imo. Try to keep going your fine :p

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