are these ok to process?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by SativaSmarty, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. I was apart of my first harvest....these were grown outdoors. When I was shucking them there were tons of different species of worms and caterpillars of different stages of life. They were grown to produce CBD oil. Is this safe? Are these contaminants? Are they removed during the extraction process? Want to learn, thanks so much for all the help in advance.

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  2. Personally when I found my first good outdoor crop was totally infested with bud worms I cried but I tossed it all as contaminated junk.
    Everyplace a cattie craps it molds. So the whole grow is half infected with mold and dead caterpillar bodies.
    It's up to you if you want to use it.
    BT once a week every week is the fix. bacillus thuringiensis (bt)

    You likely also have a good case of Powdery Mildew as most outside grows do.
    Another once a week every week spray will keep that in check as well.
    But that's all I really do to get a quality outside crop.
  3. Thanks:) The farmers who grew it decided to extract it. Was curious what happens to all the "stuff" if it was used.
  4. Real Cannabis "Farmers" have grown before and taken their losses.
    What you have is a "Hack" who hasn't grown before trying to salvage a ruined crop.
    I wouldn't use it and neither should anyone else.
    This is why Black market supplies have a bad reputation. No supervision and no morals at all.

    So glad I grow my own and have for many years and I know exactly what has been used and more importantly what has NOT been used on my cannabis.

    Both BT and Cure are organic and in the case of BT it can be used around fish and ponds which are very sensitive to pesticides.
    BT isn't a pesticide in the usual sense of the word it's not a contact killer rather it has to be eaten to work and the sun destroys it in a few hours. Not very toxic at all unless your a caterpillar
    Green Cure is another form of Baking Soda a fairly benign substance again a very low risk item.

  5. Good to know. I have been working in the industry for almost a year. This was my first hands on grow and I thought something wasn't right. I did a lot of research but when I approached the farmer (my boss) I was shut down and told "what infestation?" and the caterpillars will die during drying but I knew that the mold left after the feces would cause issues. I even tried pulling the larger mold spots and I was told that there was still goodness in those parts not to take them off:( Needless to say, I left the company. It felt wrong to sell this CBD oil to customers. I would not take it so there is NO way I would sell it. They had over 5K plants like that.
  6. thanks again! Thanks for the honesty!!!

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