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Are these Cannabis plants?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by kto, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. Found these growing in the center of our lawn. Can't seem to find any plants that look exactly like them when I googled around. The closest fits were cannabis or wild strawberries. Wild strawberry leaves were usually 3 or 5 and shorter and fatter. I'd swear it was cannabis if not for the stumpy middle finger. Any thoughts?

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  2. I don't think they are, mine look like this [​IMG]

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  3. No. Those are wild strawberries if I'm not mistaken. But they're definitely not MJ plants. TWW
  4. Nope, you could make some dandelion greens or wine though. I see some of those there too.
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  5. Those look like good old fashioned ivy weeds. They grew on my yard in the city bad skin irritant
  6. Sorry. Definatley not xxx

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