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Are there many arrests on 4/20?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by purplemudkip, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. I got a friend who works at a gas station that also does car towing and has a contract with a local police department. We met up for lunch and he mentioned that Saturday night (St Patrick's day) he got A LOT of calls for arrest impounds. I laughed initially, then wondered. Does the same go for 4/20? Have you guys ever been fucked with on 4/20? Especially over stupid shit. Someone I know got pulled over for not having a seat belt on, which never happens. She said the cop was looking and sniffing around while talking to her, but didn't actually search.
  2. I got fucked with on last years 4/20 but not by the cops. Train security came when we hotboxed a train shelter. Nothing happened htough.
  3. Last year me and some friends hotboxed right by my highschool, next to a taco bell but its also behind a bookstore, 6am and aftermath of tornados so from the night before so it was chill.

    Came in late, attendance lady sees a freshman thats late too, tells him they're doing random drug testing for late people, and the kid panics so bad lol. She stopped him before he peed in the cup she gave him though and told him she was joking.

    Sorry, kinda off topic.

    Cops know whats up, and there are probably more arrests because everyone is going to be smoking, especially since its a friday this year. I doubt cops are on high alert though, 420 busting isnt priority #1.

  4. What..? Why..?

    I mean ... c'mon.

    train shelter .. a train shelter. not a car, bathroom or even a backyard shed, but a train shelter.
  5. You'd be suprised what kind of locaitons are tokeable in Canada. Chill ass laws.

  6. That's pretty funny hahahaha if I worked in a school I'd totally fuck with people like that. And yeah you're probably right. I've always thought it's a good policy to keep driving on 4/20 to a bare minimum. Get things delivered to the house.

  7. haha i wouldn't go for trouble unless it was breath taking view, but each to their own.

    So, was the weed good? ;)
  8. [quote name='"purplemudkip"']

    That's pretty funny hahahaha if I worked in a school I'd totally fuck with people like that. And yeah you're probably right. I've always thought it's a good policy to keep driving on 4/20 to a bare minimum. Get things delivered to the house.[/quote]

    This. At least in Canada, small marijuana possession is last priority. Cops know what's up, before they leave the office they all get debriefed on how there is going to be a lot of illegal drug usage that day and to pretty much let everyone off with warnings.

    Unless you are hauling 500 lbs of pot

  9. hahaha if only the states didn't suck. well it depends where you're at. I'd much rather get caught smoking on the boardwalk at Venice Beach than a hick town in South Carolina.
  10. Canadian dank is always goood. Summer winter spring or fall
  11. We resent that ;)
  12. In Canada on 4/20 you can smoke infront of cops beat that
  13. It's Canada, of course the weed was good. :bongin:

    Lucky Canadians, with their cheap weed, and dank maple syrup. :cool:
  14. [quote name='"michael015"']In Canada on 4/20 you can smoke infront of cops beat that[/quote]

    In Vancouver we had cops getting high off the fumes of the 420 gathering at Vancouver art gallery
  15. Makes me love living in Canada. I wave to cops as they pass by with a joint in my hand. Never been charged. Just warnings for larger amounts. Had a cop toke up with me once. He was off duty but I was a little panicked until he took the first hit. On 4/20 it's pretty much legal in my town. More than half the people here in Sackville toke up.
  16. 4/20, cops showed up at my brothers door like 5mins before he was about to hit a bowl and arrested him for something that happened weeks ago, they took all his shit from his house and sent him to jail.. he ended up just getting 6months probation and a misdomeaner >20Gs.. He hates 4/20 lol
  17. He is correct, though. Lol.
  18. Never been really had issues that stick out to me on 4/20 just a haze of fond smoking memories.

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