Are there any..

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by heff332, Feb 21, 2006.

  1. seeds that will produce a plant that is at around a foot tall and will fully grow within 2-3 months? for the outside?
  2. Lowryder grow from seed to full grown plat in 8 weeks iono they grown it outdoors thp
  3. Im not sure what that was. :smoke: , :D , but yea, you can grow them outdoors and they will still finish on time, even without the 24 hours of light ;).
  4. Low Ryder is alright but some people critisize it because they dont like the yield it produces, if your okay with a little bit of bud then fine grow that, but there are also techinques that will keep your plants at about a foot tall, research sCrOG and LST.

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