Smokable bud comes from female plants. Seeds that come from female plants are femenized. Therefore, seeds that are in the bud you just bought from your dealer are femenized. Is this correct, or is my logic flawed?
yes, your logic is flawed. Feminized seeds actually come from female plants that are sprayed with a silver solution. All of the seeds produced from this female are then feminized. Regular seeds are not.
If that were true, then where would males come from? And without males, where would the seeds be coming from in the first place? It works just like people -- a male impregnates a female, the female "births" all the offspring (seeds).
Okay... so then why is it necessary to remove males if all they're doing is impregnating females so they can grow seeds?
Because you can't smoke seeds... It isn't "necessary" to remove the males, but if you don't you will get seedy bud. Remove them and you get sinsemilla. If you want seeds then better to raise males in a separate space, harvest the pollen, and hand-pollinate select buds for as many seeds as you want but no more.
...'cause your female plant creates THC and cannabonoids (the stuff that makes bud ... bud) when it never gets the chance to procreate. If the male plant is left with the female plant it will pollinate the female and then your female plant will stop creating as much THC/et al and start focusing on making seeds and the chemicals needed to support those seeds. you want potent. THC-laden, dense bud and that is best achieved without seeds.